Cráneos Y Lijas En Las Frías Profundidades De La Cerveza Tibia
Sin preámbulos. Algunos motivos por los que odio el blog de la Anglo Galician Cup:
- Es delictivo: fomenta la sociopatía y no está habilitado para discapacitados. Personalmente, soy firme partidario de la integración horizontal de todos los agentes sociales. La solidaridad y las rampas de acceso a los edificios públicos me parecen las conquistas más notables del fin de siglo. En este blog no cabe ni lo uno ni lo otro. Seguir el hilo de los comentarios y sobrevivir a las escaramuzas de los lansquenetes del odio y demás camorristas es algo que debería considerarse heroico. Y, como tal, el anhelo que encubre es el de pertenecer a una banda armada y cargarse a los malos.
- Es desconcertante: los ingleses no participan apenas en el blog. Los Porcos, a tenor de los datos publicados periódicamente por la Gaceta Ilustrada del Rodillarato, no saben ni encender un ordenador. Y los administradores, contra lo habitual en otros blogs, no solo admiten el trollismo (suplantación de personalidad y ocultación sistemática), sino que lo promueven. Cuando estas tres circunstancias se hicieron demasiado evidentes, se empezó a escribir sobre lo uno, ninguno, trino y omnisciente: un ser paranormal, mitad jabalí, mitad cíclope, ubicuo, colosal y poliédrico, tirano psicótico y degenerado, que escribe todo lo que aquí se publica. Cuan goyesco Saturno fagocita a sus colaboradores ocasionales y los devuelve a la realidad convertidos en sacos de huesos. Patrañas. Cerca de 800 comentarios a una sola entrada avalan la hipótesis de que al menos dos personas participan en el blog.
- Es insustancial: por mucho que le doy vueltas, no encuentro atisbo de enriquecimiento personal. Por muchas cosas que aprenda, por muchos contenidos culturales que absorba, cuando me aparto de la pantalla noto que he empeorado como persona. Es como una pelea en un antro mal iluminado en un todos contra todos con bolsas de papel en la cabeza. Participes o te quedes mirándola, siempre te dejará una sensación de vacío de la que es difícil recuperarse.
- Es ocioso: así como no enriquece el espíritu, tampoco es productivo en sentido material. Nada puede obtenerse de él. Toda aspiración de patrocinio queda frustrada por las continuas salidas de tono. Por otro lado, el juego de espejos y la pedantería abusiva ahuyentan al público general, anulando cualquier posibilidad de obtener beneficios. Además, la forma en que se ha minado el prestigio de la competición tras las recientes acometidas de pedradas contra el propio tejado, ha puesto fin al sueño de Blackemperor de jugar frente a miles de personas “que quieran ver fútbol de verdad”. No hay horizontes dorados para nosotros.
- Es absurdo: el desequilibrio entre lo que se ha escrito sobre la competición y lo que se ha escrito en general es asombroso. Nueve fines de semana de borrachera han dado para cienes y cienes de páginas en las que se ha creado una ficción que distorsiona alegremente la realidad de la AGC. Lo que en un principio quería ser un punto de encuentro para porcos y stags, espejo de su comunión etílico-deportiva, ha devenido en lo que ha devenido. Neonadsat incluido.
- Es castrante: hay algo en este aire viciado que anula el vigor sexual; descalifica la líbido. Sé que es duro oírlo, pero alguien tiene que decirlo en voz alta: la AGC disminuye tus posibilidades de echar un polvo. Desde luego no sirve para ligar. Se me ocurre: que el rollo de las huérfanas y los tractores, como fijación de arquetipos femeninos, revela tal que un platonismo misógino que, a mayores y sumado a otros datos como las condiciones físicas y similares, expresa a gritos una sola idea: que en la AGC no se folla. A mi entender, presenciar este conflicto, siquiera como simple lector, deprime la líbido. Pero esta puede ser la más vaga de mis opiniones.
Huelga añadir: a excepción del último punto, todos estos son motivos por los que me rindo al blog de la Anglo Galician Cup. Quedo, señores, su afectuoso y humilde servidor.
A Homage To Galicia (With Apologies To George Orwell)
Now its not that we Stags don’t care about the Anglo Galician Cup Blog. Its just that it takes six month’s or so, to sober up and, have the liver biosopy results come through and the hand tremors cease before we can cast our minds back to the events of our sojourn in the domain of the Porquos Bravo’s.
The blog has a hint of surrealism about it, in more ways than one, and we wanderers from the white chalk cliffs of Albion aren’t as European as you. Good job we don’t play you at University Challenge, we’d lose that annal (as well) nothing to with ones arse..
Speaking of results, after our recent visit, the ‘match’ is best forgotten as far as we Stags are concerned. All my careful jottings of the ‘game’ have been cast into oblivion and only surface when I have eaten cheese late at night. We stayed again at the Hotel DeBarca though I hear its going to change its name to the Hotel Debacle to reflect the Stags performance. Our hungover ‘hero’s’, some with face’s as green as their shirts (which cast off snooker tables did you get the material from Thompson?) formed up like lambs to the slaughter in the bright Pontevedrian sunlight. Overhead the sea gulls wheeled and cackled like airborne witches from the first act of the ‘Scottish Play’. The rest is history, Thank God, apart from the victory ale served up by Serge in the usual hospitable manner by our Galician chums, I think it still lies resurgent in Clayton’s lower colon to this day and comes up for air and a look at the outside world from time to time. More restful memories come to mind, the first intravenous infusion of Estrella Galicia (lovely girl) in a bar called the Trafalgar in Santigago almost had me doing a hornpipe while whistling a Mike Oldfield tune and dreaming of the great day’s of the Royal Navy ie ships biscuit complete with weevils, fishing for fresh rats in the hold and rum, sodomy and the lash...
All those times back in Blighty where you visit a pub called the ‘Bulls Head’ and there ain’t one. Back in PV and there’s a bloody great one looking like its just charged through the wall in a position where we would have being seeing mice and tall rabbits called Harvey if we had lingered another forty eight hours. Curious toilet arrangements in a winebar, groaning platters of Galician Breakfasts with me casting a wary eye out for tuna, tapas par excellence, 6/% moorish beer served up by the Argie, late night sandwiches in PV, clean streets, civilised drinkers, Galician lasses with chic,not showing their thongs or tattoos, police you treat with respect, football with loads of passion and beer but no violence...
Paradise lost but not for long because we’ll back. But its Sheffield’s turn this May and the Porquos want some culture. Plans are a foot amigos (and it won’t be the culture that comes out of a Petre dish either Thompson, the Lap Dancing place has closed down and there’s no Hooters in Sheffield apart from that one that blows at one ‘oclock).
Now I won’t be able to match Victor and his rendering of the Galician anthem but when I stand on stage with me Vera Lynn tapes on there won’t be a dry eye in the house (come to think of it there won’t be anyone in the house because the last bus will have gone) Boroman has promised his speciality act playing bones and there’s more. Just confirm those dates Porquos, after visiting Newcastle and the Bigg Market you’ll appreciate some culture, how do you fancy some hot pork pies along with the Stoones down in Sheffield?
Till Then.
Ron Clayton.
Made In Sheffield Sometime Before 11th August 1952
PS: about those cannon outside the Fat Cat. I’ve got a mate down Attercliffe who is interested in getting em weighed in, have you a contact?
The blog has a hint of surrealism about it, in more ways than one, and we wanderers from the white chalk cliffs of Albion aren’t as European as you. Good job we don’t play you at University Challenge, we’d lose that annal (as well) nothing to with ones arse..
Speaking of results, after our recent visit, the ‘match’ is best forgotten as far as we Stags are concerned. All my careful jottings of the ‘game’ have been cast into oblivion and only surface when I have eaten cheese late at night. We stayed again at the Hotel DeBarca though I hear its going to change its name to the Hotel Debacle to reflect the Stags performance. Our hungover ‘hero’s’, some with face’s as green as their shirts (which cast off snooker tables did you get the material from Thompson?) formed up like lambs to the slaughter in the bright Pontevedrian sunlight. Overhead the sea gulls wheeled and cackled like airborne witches from the first act of the ‘Scottish Play’. The rest is history, Thank God, apart from the victory ale served up by Serge in the usual hospitable manner by our Galician chums, I think it still lies resurgent in Clayton’s lower colon to this day and comes up for air and a look at the outside world from time to time. More restful memories come to mind, the first intravenous infusion of Estrella Galicia (lovely girl) in a bar called the Trafalgar in Santigago almost had me doing a hornpipe while whistling a Mike Oldfield tune and dreaming of the great day’s of the Royal Navy ie ships biscuit complete with weevils, fishing for fresh rats in the hold and rum, sodomy and the lash...
All those times back in Blighty where you visit a pub called the ‘Bulls Head’ and there ain’t one. Back in PV and there’s a bloody great one looking like its just charged through the wall in a position where we would have being seeing mice and tall rabbits called Harvey if we had lingered another forty eight hours. Curious toilet arrangements in a winebar, groaning platters of Galician Breakfasts with me casting a wary eye out for tuna, tapas par excellence, 6/% moorish beer served up by the Argie, late night sandwiches in PV, clean streets, civilised drinkers, Galician lasses with chic,not showing their thongs or tattoos, police you treat with respect, football with loads of passion and beer but no violence...
Paradise lost but not for long because we’ll back. But its Sheffield’s turn this May and the Porquos want some culture. Plans are a foot amigos (and it won’t be the culture that comes out of a Petre dish either Thompson, the Lap Dancing place has closed down and there’s no Hooters in Sheffield apart from that one that blows at one ‘oclock).
Now I won’t be able to match Victor and his rendering of the Galician anthem but when I stand on stage with me Vera Lynn tapes on there won’t be a dry eye in the house (come to think of it there won’t be anyone in the house because the last bus will have gone) Boroman has promised his speciality act playing bones and there’s more. Just confirm those dates Porquos, after visiting Newcastle and the Bigg Market you’ll appreciate some culture, how do you fancy some hot pork pies along with the Stoones down in Sheffield?
Till Then.
Ron Clayton.
Made In Sheffield Sometime Before 11th August 1952
PS: about those cannon outside the Fat Cat. I’ve got a mate down Attercliffe who is interested in getting em weighed in, have you a contact?
Knowing Me Knowing Boroman
Well Bill this interview has been more eagerly awaited than a goal from Serge so we better make this good…
Followers of the Blog will know a bit about you from some of your posts on there but can you tell us all a bit about you?
Born and raised in Middlesbrough. Mum was a barmaid, Dad a Merchant Seaman. He was from Belfast and though he had the flag of Ulster in his front room he wasn’t political/ religious at all. His experience in the war and at sea had made him judge everyone on their own merits. Basically did they get the beer in or not. I come from a large family, four brothers and three sisters all with their own paths, ranging from a Wing Commander in RAF, a prospective Communist Party MP, a builder, a teacher and writer of philosophical blogs on the internet. We were always allowed to be whatever you wanted to be, as long as you got the beer in. We were also quite a sporting family too. Dad’s brother played as an amateur footballer for Ireland, Wing Commander played rugby for Yorkshire and the RAF, brothers played football for Middlesbrough Youth, brother coaches Welsh Under 15’s at cricket and my youngest brother scored a century on a ground graced by Geoffrey Boycott. I was average at everything, rugby, footie, cricket, tennis. The sum total of my sporting achievement being a winners medal for the Stockton and District Sunday League Second Division and a Middlesbrough Rugby Club Seven’s Tournament Trophy from 1978. I also helped run an American Football 7 a side league in Boro from about 1979 to 1989, The Grangetown Wrecks. Now my playing days are over I live vicariously through the AG Cup, imagining I am Ben Torres, knocking in a hat-trick or Fandino volleying in a cracker or Santi turning a rocket shot over the bar or Serge, ending a flowing move by caressing the ball past the post (sorry mate).
Balls to Serge, you’ve just mentioned volleying in cracker and given such a distinction to Fandiňo. I’m half-minded to end this interview now.
Born and raised in Middlesbrough. Mum was a barmaid, Dad a Merchant Seaman. He was from Belfast and though he had the flag of Ulster in his front room he wasn’t political/ religious at all. His experience in the war and at sea had made him judge everyone on their own merits. Basically did they get the beer in or not. I come from a large family, four brothers and three sisters all with their own paths, ranging from a Wing Commander in RAF, a prospective Communist Party MP, a builder, a teacher and writer of philosophical blogs on the internet. We were always allowed to be whatever you wanted to be, as long as you got the beer in. We were also quite a sporting family too. Dad’s brother played as an amateur footballer for Ireland, Wing Commander played rugby for Yorkshire and the RAF, brothers played football for Middlesbrough Youth, brother coaches Welsh Under 15’s at cricket and my youngest brother scored a century on a ground graced by Geoffrey Boycott. I was average at everything, rugby, footie, cricket, tennis. The sum total of my sporting achievement being a winners medal for the Stockton and District Sunday League Second Division and a Middlesbrough Rugby Club Seven’s Tournament Trophy from 1978. I also helped run an American Football 7 a side league in Boro from about 1979 to 1989, The Grangetown Wrecks. Now my playing days are over I live vicariously through the AG Cup, imagining I am Ben Torres, knocking in a hat-trick or Fandino volleying in a cracker or Santi turning a rocket shot over the bar or Serge, ending a flowing move by caressing the ball past the post (sorry mate).
Balls to Serge, you’ve just mentioned volleying in cracker and given such a distinction to Fandiňo. I’m half-minded to end this interview now.
Continuing against my will, you’ve been an ever-present travelling Stag but there were initial doubts over you making the first trip due to your fear of flying. How did you overcome your fears? What was the driving incentive to get on a plane?
Like any self respecting Stag I got pissed. My fear of flying had developed slowly after many flights but for that first trip I hadn’t been on a plane for about three years. It got so bad me and Cath went to Barcelona by train a couple of times, though I got pissed on the train too but that’s another story. I even plotted a route overland to Pontevedra that would have tested Michael Palin but in the end it was, in the words of the Drive-By Truckers , “shut up and get on the plane”. Actually my main incentive in going up those steps this time was that it was Joel Tagg’s round. I wasn’t going to miss that for anything. I was so drunk by the time we landed I thought I was in Newcastle cos I couldn’t understand a word anyone was saying and that was my fellow Stags. Mind you I knew it wasn’t the “Toon” when the sun came out and I saw some trees and grass like. I hear the Porcos are going to Newcastle on the next trip. God help them.
Like any self respecting Stag I got pissed. My fear of flying had developed slowly after many flights but for that first trip I hadn’t been on a plane for about three years. It got so bad me and Cath went to Barcelona by train a couple of times, though I got pissed on the train too but that’s another story. I even plotted a route overland to Pontevedra that would have tested Michael Palin but in the end it was, in the words of the Drive-By Truckers , “shut up and get on the plane”. Actually my main incentive in going up those steps this time was that it was Joel Tagg’s round. I wasn’t going to miss that for anything. I was so drunk by the time we landed I thought I was in Newcastle cos I couldn’t understand a word anyone was saying and that was my fellow Stags. Mind you I knew it wasn’t the “Toon” when the sun came out and I saw some trees and grass like. I hear the Porcos are going to Newcastle on the next trip. God help them.
What were your initial thoughts of Pontevedra? What memories stand out from that weekend?
What weekend? I was immediately struck by its peaceful atmosphere I have to say. I had been to Spain before and Barcelona is one of my favourite places, Cath and I celebrated my 50th and her 40th birthday’s there. Mind you she wasn’t best pleased when the following year she discovered I’d booked the weekend of the Barcelona Blues Festival, what a coincidence love. Ponte was very different and every door seemed to be a bar, which was handy. I fell in love with it’s little squares with the Lemon trees. If that was Boro they would have dug up the tree and nicked the whole lot within ten minutes of it being planted. As the new guys on our last visit commented, I was much taken with the friendliness of the Porcos lads and the locals in general, despite the language barrier and soon discovered we had much in common. Someone finishing off your pint while you are on the toilet is universal it seems. It’s a place I want to return to more often than once ever year or two.
What weekend? I was immediately struck by its peaceful atmosphere I have to say. I had been to Spain before and Barcelona is one of my favourite places, Cath and I celebrated my 50th and her 40th birthday’s there. Mind you she wasn’t best pleased when the following year she discovered I’d booked the weekend of the Barcelona Blues Festival, what a coincidence love. Ponte was very different and every door seemed to be a bar, which was handy. I fell in love with it’s little squares with the Lemon trees. If that was Boro they would have dug up the tree and nicked the whole lot within ten minutes of it being planted. As the new guys on our last visit commented, I was much taken with the friendliness of the Porcos lads and the locals in general, despite the language barrier and soon discovered we had much in common. Someone finishing off your pint while you are on the toilet is universal it seems. It’s a place I want to return to more often than once ever year or two.
You also made your one and only appearance in the Anglo-Galicia Cup on that first trip. I’m pretty sure your few moments on the pitch have already been written into Anglo-Galician Cup folklore but in your own words tell the world about your appearance, in a match-winning team of course?
I remember it was raining so the Stags felt right at home. I went on for the last 15 minutes in my “Mark Viduka” Boro away shirt. The pattern of the match seemed to be the Porcos had all of the possession only for us to break away and nick a goal. The Blonde Cat was having a blinder. I hadn’t kicked a ball in ten years and it showed. I still thought I was the goal machine of my youth. I was a predatory goal getter in the Martin Fisher mould (he’s my hero). I once scored seven in a school match, Middlesbrough High School v St Aiden’s School for Blind Girls. Result. So when a ball was played across the area, in my mind I was rifling it into the top corner past a stunned Van Damme, when in reality it rolled past my swinging foot and I fell right on my arse. Sergio, ever the gentlemen, picked me up but even he couldn’t stifle a titter or two. Still, we won, and I remember walking back to the Hotel De Barca with a skip in my step whilst being pelted with rotten tomatoes by the locals. Nowadays I have a strictly off field role, making sure the lads don’t drink too much and are in tip top condition for the match. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Better than my last job as lookout on the Titanic. I do wish I could still play though, cos watching the games, especially in Ponte, are a right trial. I kick every ball and go into every tackle which is more than our lads managed last time…..
I remember it was raining so the Stags felt right at home. I went on for the last 15 minutes in my “Mark Viduka” Boro away shirt. The pattern of the match seemed to be the Porcos had all of the possession only for us to break away and nick a goal. The Blonde Cat was having a blinder. I hadn’t kicked a ball in ten years and it showed. I still thought I was the goal machine of my youth. I was a predatory goal getter in the Martin Fisher mould (he’s my hero). I once scored seven in a school match, Middlesbrough High School v St Aiden’s School for Blind Girls. Result. So when a ball was played across the area, in my mind I was rifling it into the top corner past a stunned Van Damme, when in reality it rolled past my swinging foot and I fell right on my arse. Sergio, ever the gentlemen, picked me up but even he couldn’t stifle a titter or two. Still, we won, and I remember walking back to the Hotel De Barca with a skip in my step whilst being pelted with rotten tomatoes by the locals. Nowadays I have a strictly off field role, making sure the lads don’t drink too much and are in tip top condition for the match. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Better than my last job as lookout on the Titanic. I do wish I could still play though, cos watching the games, especially in Ponte, are a right trial. I kick every ball and go into every tackle which is more than our lads managed last time…..
The IX must have been a real trial for you. I think Göring endured a much easier trial. So from the stands, amongst the Eng-er-lund fans, how bad did it look? Could the Stags take anything from such a dismal performance?
It was a beautiful day. The Ruby Ground looked a picture. The playing surface was like a billiard table. The lads looked great in green. We had injected a bit of youth (and Colin) into the squad. What could go wrong? I thought we started well enough but a soon as Fandino volleyed in the opener we seemed fall apart, our hopes of a 0-0 away draw shattered. From then on in it seemed like the longest game in history. Still our goals were the best of the bunch. It’s not about quantity but quality.
It was a beautiful day. The Ruby Ground looked a picture. The playing surface was like a billiard table. The lads looked great in green. We had injected a bit of youth (and Colin) into the squad. What could go wrong? I thought we started well enough but a soon as Fandino volleyed in the opener we seemed fall apart, our hopes of a 0-0 away draw shattered. From then on in it seemed like the longest game in history. Still our goals were the best of the bunch. It’s not about quantity but quality.
After our first goal (scored by me of course) the chants of “Easy, easy, easy” showed true British humour (though I hear a certain Laurence Bowles denationalised himself when the 13th goal went in and was seen leaving the ground dressed as a torero), were there any other funny anecdotes from the Kop?
Our two goal burst also elicited the cry “We’re Gonna Win 14-13” from the Brits in the crowd, basically me, Bry and Ronaldo who started writing a match report which soon turned into an obituary. We managed a rousing “boo” when Fran scored which got a laugh from the home supporters. At the end we should have burnt the goal posts and put them in an urn as “The Ashes of Stag Football”. Luckily for Bry, his attentions had been drawn to the beautiful ladies in attendance so saw little of the debacle. When you scored I think he thought we had won. I asked Larry what he thought and he said “Sentímolo, eu non falo Ingles” which says it all I think.
Our two goal burst also elicited the cry “We’re Gonna Win 14-13” from the Brits in the crowd, basically me, Bry and Ronaldo who started writing a match report which soon turned into an obituary. We managed a rousing “boo” when Fran scored which got a laugh from the home supporters. At the end we should have burnt the goal posts and put them in an urn as “The Ashes of Stag Football”. Luckily for Bry, his attentions had been drawn to the beautiful ladies in attendance so saw little of the debacle. When you scored I think he thought we had won. I asked Larry what he thought and he said “Sentímolo, eu non falo Ingles” which says it all I think.
What did you think of the trip to Vigo this time?
It was great to go back to a bar where we were recognised. I was surprised that it was reported that we were all Owls though given my Red and White Boro shirt and “Bernie Slaven for Pope” badge. Me and Col spent most of the game in the Celta Kop. It was the politest crowd I’ve been in. Someone offered me a seat and I thought I would get a cup of tea and some cucumber sandwiches at half-time. It was odd to be able to go anywhere in the ground too though they drew the line when I hopped onto the pitch and put in a header at the far post. And of course it was great to see Celta score and win, though it was never a penalty.
It was great to go back to a bar where we were recognised. I was surprised that it was reported that we were all Owls though given my Red and White Boro shirt and “Bernie Slaven for Pope” badge. Me and Col spent most of the game in the Celta Kop. It was the politest crowd I’ve been in. Someone offered me a seat and I thought I would get a cup of tea and some cucumber sandwiches at half-time. It was odd to be able to go anywhere in the ground too though they drew the line when I hopped onto the pitch and put in a header at the far post. And of course it was great to see Celta score and win, though it was never a penalty.
Did you meet the Mayor?
He seemed like a nice guy and I thought it was great that he took the time to come and greet us, though I think he nicked my pint and was the only man in Pontevedra wearing a suit. A typical politician then. I hear he wants to play sometime. If he does I’ll make a comeback, as long as Arturo gets on the pitch too.
He seemed like a nice guy and I thought it was great that he took the time to come and greet us, though I think he nicked my pint and was the only man in Pontevedra wearing a suit. A typical politician then. I hear he wants to play sometime. If he does I’ll make a comeback, as long as Arturo gets on the pitch too.
The Blog is full of opinion and debate over the contrasting styles of play between the Stags and Porcos. What do you think the difference is between the Stags and Porcos Bravos football?
5 to 4 I think. No, this is a matter of differing approaches to the beautiful game, which is reflected in our respective National Teams too. To the Porcos it is in the creation, the passing, the aesthetic, culminating in a masterpiece, except for Argie of course. For the Stags it’s route one, get it in the box stuff. Plus it’s win or nothing. When Jack Charlton was manger of Boro he said “if we stop the opposition scoring we’ve got a point at least”. He was manager of the best Boro team in the last 60 years and had the attacking quality in the team to destroy anyone else in that league at the time but that was his philosophy, the negative get. We still won the league at a canter, I think we only lost once or twice that year but as soon as we got promoted all our best players got poached by other teams and Jack buggered off to manage Ireland I think, though he thought Eire was something divers came up for. I do like the idea that we each seem to win on our own turf and that one team isn’t dominating. It’s somehow comforting. Travel broadens the mind but like a really good beer, footballers don’t travel well. I won’t get into the whole “drink too much” argument. The porcos lads were giving the ale a right hammering before the last game and you try telling Thomo that he has to hold back when the lads come over next year. Anyway, whilst the game is the pivotal moment of the trip it’s not the only thing. To me it’s the whole weekend experience, the evolving friendships as we get to know each other more and more, I suppose I may feel different if I actually played in the match, but sport has always been about taking part to me. That’s something I learned from playing rugby for many years. I spent many a Saturday on a snow covered pitch getting a pounding from some hairy arsed coal miner but as soon as the game finished we applauded each other off the pitch then got drunk together. Mind, it was always nice to stuff any Geordies we came across. And it is still 5-4 to the Stags……….
What musician would you like to be for a day?
That’s a tough one. Though I’ve always been into music it’s only relatively recently that I actually took up playing. I thought an injury to my left hand pinkie (American Football) early in my career put paid to any chances of becoming an axe hero. Me and Col (Pujol Snr) , a musical mate since the seventies, got guitars at the same time about six or seven years ago and we’ve been thrashing away since then. I’ve got many many musical hero’s and for differing reasons; Hendrix for changing the way the electric guitar was played and being able to express his feelings through his axe, BB King, a man who can make you cry with one note, Neil Young for his “I’m gonna play what I want” attitude. To sing like Steve Earle, Ray LaMontagne or John Martyn would be cool but I have to say to be that good for a day then lose it the following day would be too hard to bear. The Doctor Faustus Blues. I’ll stick with being a very limited but enthusiastic amateur who is learning all the time. It’s all in the journey, man! Still it’s a good job you didn’t ask Fenners that question. We’d have been here all day.
That’s a tough one. Though I’ve always been into music it’s only relatively recently that I actually took up playing. I thought an injury to my left hand pinkie (American Football) early in my career put paid to any chances of becoming an axe hero. Me and Col (Pujol Snr) , a musical mate since the seventies, got guitars at the same time about six or seven years ago and we’ve been thrashing away since then. I’ve got many many musical hero’s and for differing reasons; Hendrix for changing the way the electric guitar was played and being able to express his feelings through his axe, BB King, a man who can make you cry with one note, Neil Young for his “I’m gonna play what I want” attitude. To sing like Steve Earle, Ray LaMontagne or John Martyn would be cool but I have to say to be that good for a day then lose it the following day would be too hard to bear. The Doctor Faustus Blues. I’ll stick with being a very limited but enthusiastic amateur who is learning all the time. It’s all in the journey, man! Still it’s a good job you didn’t ask Fenners that question. We’d have been here all day.
Are there any classic gigs you remember from your youth?
My first gig was Wishbone Ash at Newcastle Odeon in around 1974, since then I’ve gone to hundreds and could probably write a book on it but here are a few notables.
Pink Floyd, Knebworth Park, 1975. An open air gig with a crowd of around 100,000 On the bill were Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band (my mate slept through this), Steve Miller Band and Roy Harper. The Floyd did the whole of “Darkside of the Moon” with a massive light show and fireworks. In 1975 was that was pretty far out man. After the gig we went to my relations house in Wales which was haunted. That was pretty far out too……
BB King, Royal Festival Hall, London 1980’s. It was may first time with BB. He was backed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and when he played that first, bluesy note I cried like a baby.
Bob Dylan, Blackbushe Aerodrome 1978. Another big outdoor show with Eric Clapton and Graham Parker and the Rumour (one of my faves). We camped in a tent overnight to get a decent view but the crowd was so big we ended up miles away. Good gig though.
Stockton Blues Festival 1976, Dovecot Arts Centre. The Dovecot was a small place but this was important as the first time I had seen real down ‘n’ dirty blues played by real Chicago Blues guys. I saw Phil Guy (Buddy’s brother) and Jimmy “Fastfingers “ Dawkin’s and it was awesome. At the end Phil asked us “where’s the pot man?” (obviously wanting to strike up a doobie) and my mate, losing everything in translation said “the men’s is down the hall on the left” Chicago must have felt a lifetime away.
I asked Shabba the same question in my last interview and he mentioned a Gary Glitter gig he went to in 1986. He said it was memorable for the back stage “attention” he received. I also heard he was “liked” on Glitter’s Facebook until the police took his computer away, whatever that means…….
Anyway, back to you. Being in Sheffield, the birthplace of historic football teams like United or Wednesday, having the world's oldest club, Sheffield FC, and the city with the oldest stadium ... how does that sit with the city having also the most infamous football team in it’s history? I mean the Stags naturally.
I think you would have to ask one of our Sheffield lads to answer this one properly but here goes. Being a Boroman, my football loyalties are forever with the “smoggies” from the Riverside. Your team chooses you, you don’t choose your team. Still, I think the Stags add to the City’s rich football history in much in the same way Charlie Peace, World War 2 and smallpox did. The Stags play in the great Yorkshire tradition with steel in your heart and with one hand on your wallet. The odd appearance of a Stag or two at magistrate’s court or in the drunk tank only adds to our allure. I think the mayor of Sheffield has seen the Stags play more than either of the piggy teams, and I’ve heard she shows slides of Thomo’s free kick to visiting dignitary’s in the Town Hall. In short I’m proud to be a “Mean Green” and I think in our new crop, of Ben, Col, Bry and the three Amigo’s: Lee, Rob and Andrew, our proud tradition of only drinking to excess is in safe hands.
I think you would have to ask one of our Sheffield lads to answer this one properly but here goes. Being a Boroman, my football loyalties are forever with the “smoggies” from the Riverside. Your team chooses you, you don’t choose your team. Still, I think the Stags add to the City’s rich football history in much in the same way Charlie Peace, World War 2 and smallpox did. The Stags play in the great Yorkshire tradition with steel in your heart and with one hand on your wallet. The odd appearance of a Stag or two at magistrate’s court or in the drunk tank only adds to our allure. I think the mayor of Sheffield has seen the Stags play more than either of the piggy teams, and I’ve heard she shows slides of Thomo’s free kick to visiting dignitary’s in the Town Hall. In short I’m proud to be a “Mean Green” and I think in our new crop, of Ben, Col, Bry and the three Amigo’s: Lee, Rob and Andrew, our proud tradition of only drinking to excess is in safe hands.
There appears to be conflicting opinion on where the AG Cup should rest on the occasions that the Porcos triumph. Where do you think the Cup should sit; in the Griffon or Fat Cat?
Both decent boozers but the Cup should and will be back in Sheffield where it belongs so this argument is moot. I love the Gato Gordo as a cool rock bar but I think that this was born out of the AG Cup. The Griffon was there at its inception so has a special place in AG Cup folklore.
Both decent boozers but the Cup should and will be back in Sheffield where it belongs so this argument is moot. I love the Gato Gordo as a cool rock bar but I think that this was born out of the AG Cup. The Griffon was there at its inception so has a special place in AG Cup folklore.
How has the palette of the lad from Stockton taken to culinary delights served up in Galicia? Has anything stood out as being your favourite dish, your worst dish and your most unusual dish? Overall how does it compare to the paella I served up for you and Cath in Casa Thomo? Shit, we had a few drinks that night didn’t we?
Wow, I still get a bad head thinking about that night. Didn’t we go out to bring back a few more cans and stop in the pub for about three hours? Anyway on the culinary front I’m almost a vegetarian so didn’t try a lot of the stuff on offer. I almost exclusively ate empanada, olives and cheese. It was great and meant I only had to “go” once a day. They rang the Lutine Bell went that one went down the porcelain I can tell you. The lads around me seemed to love the feed. I remember Ben eating anything in a dish and Bry, a man who appreciates good belly ballast loved it all. I also count Estrella Galicia as one of my “5 a day”.
Wow, I still get a bad head thinking about that night. Didn’t we go out to bring back a few more cans and stop in the pub for about three hours? Anyway on the culinary front I’m almost a vegetarian so didn’t try a lot of the stuff on offer. I almost exclusively ate empanada, olives and cheese. It was great and meant I only had to “go” once a day. They rang the Lutine Bell went that one went down the porcelain I can tell you. The lads around me seemed to love the feed. I remember Ben eating anything in a dish and Bry, a man who appreciates good belly ballast loved it all. I also count Estrella Galicia as one of my “5 a day”.
We’ve attempted to “nobble” the opposition by feasting them on traditional British curry when they are in Sheffield the night before a game but this has failed to cause them the discomfort we have desired. What could we feed them to make sure they spend less time on the pitch and more time in the bog during the X?
I’m thinking of whipping up a senna pod curry of my own but the only sure way to ensure “the trots” is a classic kebab with extra hot chilli sauce and 12 pints of Kelham Island Best Bitter. Mind you Smoking Batty seems to manage on that most nights without effect. I do however think some of the Porcos are beyond nobbling. I think we have to use reverse psychology and keep them off the beer. They’ll be so desperate they won’t be able to concentrate on the footie.
I’m thinking of whipping up a senna pod curry of my own but the only sure way to ensure “the trots” is a classic kebab with extra hot chilli sauce and 12 pints of Kelham Island Best Bitter. Mind you Smoking Batty seems to manage on that most nights without effect. I do however think some of the Porcos are beyond nobbling. I think we have to use reverse psychology and keep them off the beer. They’ll be so desperate they won’t be able to concentrate on the footie.
We’ve discussed a lot and I’ve got more notes than a Beethoven symphony (too many to publish in one article) so for now what are you final thoughts of everything to do with the Anglo-Galician Cup………
I love the blog.
There have been some memorable entries this year. I wish “google translate” was better (I really do need to learn some Spanish/Galician) so I understood some of the references a little better but I recognise the intelligence and humour behind this stuff. I think the idea of “Tractorville” is one to be nourished and nurtured. We need to get much more input from the Stags too. This may be controversial but I think we need less anonymity. I would like to know who was commenting even if they didn’t agree with what I was saying. We should encourage debate as long as it’s in good humour and not spiteful. Vive La Difference! I also love the way the music side of things is developing. I think the fact that Arturo can put vocals and harmonica on a backing track we recorded in Sheffield is incredible. You’ll hear more from the Strolling Bones. Through the blog and Facebook I was able to meet up with a few more musical friends too this time out. I always look forward to the Sala Karma gig. Seeing Col singing with Gog and the Telepathic Hyenas was fantastic to me (as for Vanessa – what a voice!?!). We are hoping to get a gig or two for Flip Chorale and the boys in Sheffield next time and no AG Cup weekend would be complete without Viktor’s rendition of the Galician anthem. Bloody rugby lad’s, at least if they are singing they aren’t dropping their trousers though sometimes they do both. As a final footnote to our last trip me and the lads wanted to thank Viktor for showing us round Santiago. His knowledge of the town seemed a bit sketchy at times but he knew every bar intimately. Funny that. Finally we want to thank Van Damme for his brilliant work driving us around. He was awesome. When he comes to Sheffield we’ll carry him around in a sedan chair the whole time (probably).
I love the blog.
There have been some memorable entries this year. I wish “google translate” was better (I really do need to learn some Spanish/Galician) so I understood some of the references a little better but I recognise the intelligence and humour behind this stuff. I think the idea of “Tractorville” is one to be nourished and nurtured. We need to get much more input from the Stags too. This may be controversial but I think we need less anonymity. I would like to know who was commenting even if they didn’t agree with what I was saying. We should encourage debate as long as it’s in good humour and not spiteful. Vive La Difference! I also love the way the music side of things is developing. I think the fact that Arturo can put vocals and harmonica on a backing track we recorded in Sheffield is incredible. You’ll hear more from the Strolling Bones. Through the blog and Facebook I was able to meet up with a few more musical friends too this time out. I always look forward to the Sala Karma gig. Seeing Col singing with Gog and the Telepathic Hyenas was fantastic to me (as for Vanessa – what a voice!?!). We are hoping to get a gig or two for Flip Chorale and the boys in Sheffield next time and no AG Cup weekend would be complete without Viktor’s rendition of the Galician anthem. Bloody rugby lad’s, at least if they are singing they aren’t dropping their trousers though sometimes they do both. As a final footnote to our last trip me and the lads wanted to thank Viktor for showing us round Santiago. His knowledge of the town seemed a bit sketchy at times but he knew every bar intimately. Funny that. Finally we want to thank Van Damme for his brilliant work driving us around. He was awesome. When he comes to Sheffield we’ll carry him around in a sedan chair the whole time (probably).
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One is of Boroman outside KFC under a picture of his brother |
Treboadas De Aceiro Alén Do Arco Da Vella
Crónicas Irrefutables
Quien conoce la noche conoce el mal
La insaciable voracidad noctívaga de porcos y stags constituye una de las señas de identidad de la Anglogalician Cup. Desde Liverpool hasta Vigo, de Whitby a Rugby, se susurran historias que están tejiendo LA leyenda. Pero cuando se bebe tanto que hay que pagar exceso, peajes y tributo, porque hay algo en esta competición como una luz suicida, encendemos entonces la única coartada donde se refugia el equipo visitante, sus jugadores totalmente destrozados farfullando sobre rodillas de huérfanas,expiando la lujuria a través de las porterías, acechando el terrible puente cortado del partido, abandonados a su suerte.
El mar que une Inglaterra y Galicia es pródigo en resacas. Los que nos hemos demorado en sus estancias, debemos asumirlo.
La otra crónica, la escrita según el tradicional método galeguidade ao pao, informa:
Os Porcos Bravos 14 - Sheffield Stags 2
Os Porcos Bravos: Santi Barrilete (Gk); Marcos; Fontaiña; Lutzky (1); Frank (1); McKey (1); Martín (3); Xurxo; Xandre (3); Jorge (1); Josué ; Viktor; Serge y Fandiño (4).
The Sheffield Stags: Dave Moxon (Gk); Thomo (2); Albert Finney; Fenners; Batty Smoker; Ben Torres; Col W ; Andrew Z Z; Rob Bellamy and Lee Bowyer.
Venue: Campo de Monteporreiro. Pontevedra. En perfectas condiciones a pesar de sus 14 meses de existencia.
Attendance: Una treintena de privilegiados. Afición entregadísima a la Causa a la par que elegante y entendida.
Incidencias: Cielo del color del raso azul salpicado por nubes de algodón.
Los stags visten de verde.
Os porcos estrenan indumentaria de Placaxe más no varían su tradicional color negro.
En el equipo inglés debutan hasta cuatro jugadores.
Barrilete ganó el trofeo "Laurence Bowles" al mejor jugador porcobravo. Es la primera vez que va a parar a un portero.
Un admirable Ray Cundy (Albert Finney), fue elegido por unanimidad el "Derek Dooley's Left Leg"que se concede a los Stags.
Este resultado establece la mayor diferencia de goles en la historia de la competición.
Martín Fisher es el primer jugador del torneo en superar la barrera de las 10 dianas.
Os Porcos Bravos recortan distancias. Cinco triunfos a cuatro para los de Sheffield
Hay partidos que nacen muertos desde el saque inicial. Al cuarto de hora, os Porcos van ganando 5 a 0. Tienen la posesión de balón, las ocasiones, la actitud.
Por momentos, alcanzan rachas de fútbol total que nos recuerdan a la V.
Los stags, conscientes que van a tener un mal día en la oficina, intentan minimizar daños.
Se llega al descanso con un set en blanco.
En la segunda parte más de lo mismo. Continuó el mono teniendo la palabra.
Pinceladas, garabatos, fragmentos. Inconmensurables Fontaiña y Marcos en la retaguardia. Martín, Xandre y Fandiño se pusieron un hat-trick, pero el último les ganó la mano con un postrer póquer. Serge siguió negadísimo cara al gol. Marca Mckey.
En un minuto, Thomo demuestra tener un par de goles. El segundo vale por tres.
El honor, el honor. A falta de 15 minutos, el resultado holgado favorece el arquetipo. Desbandada y pillaje. A la mierda el orden y la táctica. Aparece la egoísta enfermedad del paréntesis, esa que odia el desnudo punto y coma después del nombre o patronímico. Todos quieren mojar. Normal. Algunos ya hablan de meter 17 para batir todos los récords. Chuta Ben Torres, se luce Barrilete.
Suena la campana.
La feliz Manada siente que la IX ha sido iniciada en una rica sabiduría, bajo el meridiano justo. Los ingleses se lo toman con flema. La cosa va para largo y no es cuestión de dramatizar.
Ésto es sólo un beautiful game.
Llegas, Orfandad Devorante De Siglos Y Mundos, Como Una Tempestad De Peltre
Programas oficiales
Programa Oficial de la IX Edición.
Le debemos una novena a Asclepio por las uvas de la ira y las calabazas del jinete.
5 de Octubre.- Los Redcoats aterrizan en Lavacolla a eso de las 09:30, hora local
10.09 - 12.39 Santiago De Compostela.
Un cursi salido la definió como un orgasmo de piedra. Lo nuestro será más prosaico. Peregrinaje cervecero a fume de carozo por las tascas de la capital. El tradicional run amok para sentar catedral, hasta que el descubrimiento de la lentitud nos lleve al Paso del Noroeste.
13.19 Pontevedra
Los Stags repiten cuartel en el Hotel Apartamentos Dabarca. Registro, breve respiro, y otra vez a la carga.
14.19 Cervecería Global, punto de encuentro
Reponemos fuerzas en su sótano a base de pollo a la dominicana, empanadas, barriles de cerveza y agua sin gas.
17.29 Vigo Cuesta
Partimos hacia la ciudad olívica. En los aledaños de Balaídos se unen otros ilustres integrantes de la porcomunidade brava. Segundo run amok cervecero del día. Regresamos al Tercer Tiempo y debutamos en el Arredemo. El resto de las paradas técnicas es cuestión de cercanía e instinto.
21.30 Celta contra Sevilla Fútbol Club
El equipo andaluz es uno de los 9 clubes que pueden presumir de haber ganado la liga de la Primera división. Fue en 1946. Les entrenaba Ramón Encinas, un pontevedrés que, una guerra civil mediante, había sido míster del Celta.
6 de Octubre.- Pontevedra é boa vila, da de beber a quen pasa. Le tomamos la palabra
Sobre las 13.09, tenemos un frugal Galician Breakfast a base de pintas, embutido,porco bravo y té, en O Gato Gordo. Booze culture, dolce far niente y los esponsales de Ægir y Kubota. El plan para el resto de la jornada... es que no hay plan. Entre trago y trago, un centenar de coartadas intelectuales.7 de Octubre.- Hoy es el día en que alimentamos a la Bestia
EL PARTIDO. 12.09 en Monteporreiro.Estrenamos Battlefield. Los remozados stags son un acertijo envuelto en un misterio dentro de un enigma. Os Porcos Bravos vuelven a apelar a su condición de héroes locales, y al extenso kilometraje de su versátil plantilla.
14.29 Tentempié táctico en Barbol.
De seguido, tercer tiempo pantagruélico en O Grifón, genuino lar galego del grial de peltre. Se pronostica la atmósfera habitual en la kermés de os porcos y stags: unos sonríen, otros contienen el llanto, todos beben.
21.39 Tercer aullido de la Anglogalician Cup es otro cantar, Sala Karma.
Olvídate de la guitarra es un pozo, con viento en vez de agua. No way. El punk carroñero y sicalíptico de Gog y las Hienas Telepáticas, une sus fuerzas al mötorfolk arrogante de Flip Corale y los Macabros. Perversas, feroces y bestiales canciones. Neil Old & The Beaten Victorians defienden el prestigioso linaje musical de Sheffield. Aguardamos a María Vasco Da Gama. Se darán voces.Se cerrarán bocas.
8 de Octubre
10.09 Santiago e pecha a IX!Los stags se van volando. Para la X, nos toca a nosotros hacer el Waltzing Matilda. Que no pare la música.No (nay) never no more!
E como sempre o de sempre, Galicia Über Alles ¡
Dende o burato
Espertei en medio dunha escuridade impenetrable. O zumbido dun motor V3800-T-E3B dun Kubota M108S aínda resoaba na miña cabeza cando comecei a levantarme, a voltar a tomar conciencia das lindes do meu corpo. A escuridade comezou a esvaecer lentamente mentras trataba de lembrar. Algo. Calqueira cousa. Un nome. Imposible. A medida que as miñas pupilas dilatábanse pola falta de luz ía empezando a percorrer coa vista o que me rodeaba. En primeiro lugar, estaba vestido dunha forma estraña, supoñendo que un sabe como viste normalmente un anmésico. Un polo negro co debuxo da cabeza dun porco bravo á altura do peito. Unha inscrición rodeaba a cabeza do animal: "O Lente, Lente Currite Noctis Apri!". Incomprensible. Un pantalón de chandal vello. Unhas deportivas estropeadas. No peto do chándal, 30 moedas dun fento, un móbil -sen cobertura- aberto na sección "mensaxes" cunha frase: "parecerá un accidente" enviado por un tal f.m., un papel enrugado cunha frase ilexible con liñas por debaixo das letras semellando un vello xogo infantil e unha fotografía do que parecía un mozo duns vinte anos en medio dunha fina poalla camiñando por algo parecido a un páramo. Se isto era un pesadelo quería espertar xa.
A luz empezou a medrar. Unha completa paleta de grises ("do gris confederado ao gris cemento" onde escoitara iso antes?) dáballe un aire infinitamente triste á extensión de terreo chá na cal perdía a miña vista. Ao lonxe divisei a silueta dunha ponte sobre o que semellaba ser un río cor cinza. Sentín unha punzada a altura do peito. Algo que semellaba unha lembranza sen nome, algo que perdera pero non completamente. Achegueime á ponte. A inscrición "Bann River" produciume outra punzada. Sentín unha calor familiar arredor do pescozo, unha anagnórese corporal que me sacudiu uns instantes.
Sentei no chan. Pasaron horas que semellaban décadas ou décadas que semellaban séculos. A figura dun home achegouse ata min saída de ningunha parte, coma unha pantasma que estivera sempre ao meu carón e de súpeto tomase forma.
A figura do home dirixiuse a min.
- vou ensinarche algo. É necesario que aprendas. Para iso estás aquí.
- quen son eu? quen es ti? que fago neste lugar?
- estás aquí grazas aos teus Tityre Tu contemporáneos. Non podo dicir máis.
Levanteime. O home botou andar e eu detrás de el.
Camiñamos durante horas que parecían días longos como décadas etc por un terreo pétreo sen intercambiar palabra. Lembrei algo que lera nalgún sitio [tradución: fixen un trasteo rapidiño en Google]:
por tu bien, pienso y decido que vengas tras de mí, y seré tu guía, y he de llevarte por lugar eterno, donde oirás el aullar desesperado, verás, dolientes, las antiguas sombras, gritando todas la segunda muerte; y podrás ver a aquellas que contenta el fuego, pues confían en llegar a bienaventuras cualquier día
- estás no inferno do porcobravismo -dixo o home xirándose cara min. A súa faciana lembrábame a alguén que coñecera noutra vida. Un martelo de luz na miña cabeza e un nome estoupou coma un proxectil de napalm: Boogie "o aceitoso". Que coño? O tipo seguía falando: "é un inferno pequeno, un pouco made in Sheffield. Os círculos canónicos non funcionan aquí. Todo o que é condeación para os creentes é salvación para os porcos bravos."
- porcos bravos? é un chiste? é unha etopeia?
- debes entender cales son os pecados dos porcos bravos e atravesar os círculos do seu inferno se queres recuperar a memoria. Debes saber se pretendes vivir. Que o teu orgullo non preceda á túa caída de novo.
- ...
- O primeiro pecado do porcobravismo, as tres pes: prepotencia, pedantería e petulancia. O segundo pecado do porcobravismo: a nostalxia. O terceiro pecado do procobravismo: a falsa hipocresía. O cuarto pecado do porcobravismo: o hermetismo.
O home calou.
Tiven outro estoupido na cabeza:
A arte de perder domínase facilmente;
tantas cousas parecen decididas a estraviarse
que a súa perda non é ningún desastre
Boogie "o aceitoso" mirábame impávido, como un lansquenette do odio petrificado de súpeto.
No chan, baixo os meus pés, puiden ver unha inscrición sobre a pedra:
Lembrei unha célebre enálaxe: son un foi, e un será, e un é canso.
Pechei os ollos, listo para a malleira.
O Lente, Lente Currite Noctis Apri !
Toque a rebato
"Porcos Bravos, montaraces, quirites, confederados, gentlemen, caballeros, amigos míos: ¿queréis no sentir ninguna mordedura de arrepentimiento, olvidaros del agrio lecho de la derrota, y desafiar a la IX? Nada más sencillo.Ved aquí la receta, la infalible pócima: cerveza en dosis moderadas, mucho ejercicio, trabajo forzoso: descrismaos; arrancad piedras, aparcad tractores, no durmáis, velad: tomad gran cantidad de bebidas nitrosas y de tisanas de ninfeas: saboread emulsiones de adormideras y de agnocasto: sazonad todo esto con una dieta severa: reventad de hambre, coquetear con la inanición: añadid baños fríos en aguas ardientes, cinturones flagelantes e hierbajos de ultramar, la aplicación de una placa de plomo y de una bala de plata, lociones con licor café, y fomentos con el oxicrato"
La arenga prendió la taberna. Hasta los stags aguzaban la misma cólera en sentido inverso. Entonces resonó el flamígero himno de la Fratría "S'ils tombent, nos jeunes héros, La Porcaine en produit de noveaux, ¡ça ira! que se fue extendiendo como pólvora irascible por todos los confínes de Galizalbión.
Pensé durante un sorbo que las canciones y los toques a rebato son como la guillotina, cercenan indistintamente, hoy este rabo o cabeza, mañana aquélla. No hay más que una variación. Una hebra del destino.
Pinta en alto, me uní a la jauría de los que saben cantar, saben beber y saben morir.
Anónimo Porco Bravo
Sostiene P. B. que él arrúa, gruñe, rebudia, ronca para el blog con una sola condición. Quiere conservar el impagable anonimato. Acepto sin dudar un instante. Máxime cuando te encuentras varado en el infame The Cab and Vomit, y la otra opción de matar la noche es descarrilar tractores hasta que te resucite la crudeza del alba. Pese a su renombre internacional, P. B. (Provincia de Pontevedra, siglo pasado), hoy por hoy sigue siendo un fantasma para nosotros, un espectro prestigioso, un desasosegante e insepulto mort.
Llevan años detrás de tu hocico para hacerte una entrevista. ¿Por qué ahora? ¿Por qué anónimamente?
P.B : No es el ahora, es el hoy. Me apetece ser la voz de todos los porcos bravos auténticos que se callan. Verbalizar un malestar. La presión comienza a ser insoportable dentro de la Mesnada. Empezamos hace cinco años como un grupo de amigos que jugaba al rugby-football sin más pretensiones que pasarlo bien, y ahora ya solo importan las giras asiáticas, la venta de camisetas y la insaciable búsqueda de nuevas alternativas de explotación comercial. The Anglogalician Cup se ha convertido en un negocio donde los sentimientos son triturados en aras de un fin que no está nada claro para los verdaderos protagonistas, nosotros. Lo del anonimato es fácil de comprender. Está claro a quien acuso del cambio. Todos los que conozcan los métodos del Rodillo y sus tropas de asalto no me lo echarán en cara. El resto que se joda.
Llevas 10 o más Orange Plank Lager. Y nunca has ganado el Lawrence Bowles. Una lectura fácil de tu alegato podría ser la del resentimiento exacerbado por el alcohol ¿Qué tienes que decir a ello?
P.B: O que digan que estoy drogado. Allá dónde los valientes no actúan, reina el Mal con mayúsculas. El aparato mediático de The Anglogalician Cup nos quiere convertir en siervos. En carne de cañón. Sufrimos un bombardeo constante: hay que hacer nuevos anexos de las guías cerveceras, acudir a Concilios, publicar piontas y más piontas, asumir que te gusta el blues o el mötorfolk a cojones, jugar de negro, meter barriga para el facebook, presumir de nacionalidades que me la traen al pairo, y vivir-beber-cagar las 24 horas de guardia para que el circo no decaiga. Es cansino e inhumano. Tenemos que reaccionar.
Repasemos. Esta es la séptima entrevista que se publica en el blog. De seguir así puede que la última. Sinceramente, ¿qué opinas de las otras?
P.B: No las leí todas en profundidad. La de Barrilete y Piranha me parece la mejor con diferencia. Luego se demostró que repetir la fórmula no te garantiza el éxito. La de Sergio es como un menú que promete mucho y se queda en nada. Si hubiese comido una hamburguesa, seguro que el resultado hubiera sido otro. Manu J pagó la novatada. Nunca alcanza el ritmo necesario. Espero que tenga una segunda oportunidad. La de Víctor es una operación de maquillaje. Está burdamente manipulada para que parezca que el sujeto es tan cool, que caga apotegmas pero como mal menor nos trajo a Mike Barja a la tripulación. Algo es algo.
En un futuro cercano ¿qué entrevista de un porco bravo esperas con más ganas?
P.B: Joder la que esperan todos. La del Espantapájaros. Con más ganas y con una guadaña. Espero que nos pida perdón a todos. Tengo grandes esperanzas en la de Martín Fisher. Es un grande de verdad. Y se debería interrogar a un tractor.
Hablemos de footbal para aliviar tensiones. Ustedes van perdiendo cinco ediciones a tres contra un equipo inglés. Sí. Han leído bien. Inglés. Teniendo en cuenta el descrédito y la falta de credibilidad que tiene en fútbol de las Islas en nuestra Península, ¿cómo se explica esto? ¿cómo lo justificas ante los lectores?
P.B: Lo que hay es mucho mito de barra de bar y mucho niputas con altavoz. Nunca infravalores a un inglés jugando con una pelota al patadón o en una pelea. (La frase no es mía pero en eso estoy de acuerdo con él). Gastronómicamente puedes ningunearlos, ja, ja,ja,ja. Otra cosa sorprendente es que beben menos y peor que nosotros. Pero me desvio de la pregunta. Hay que incidir en el tema del hogar, dulce hogar. Se ha jugado dos veces más en Sheffield que en Pontevedra. La localía influye.
Para la IX, os porcos han nombrado entrenador por primera vez. Concretamente a Barrilete. ¿A grandes males, grandes remedios??
P.B: Barrilete es celtista. Uff, no me malinterpreten pero ¡que Crom nos pille confesados! De todas suertes, sabemos que todo cambia para que siga igual. Manejarán los hilos los dos iluminados de siempre y nos volverán a follar los astados de San Jorge.
A corazón abierto. ¿Qué opinas de os porcos bravos como equipo?
P.B: ¿Equipo? No sé qué decir sin ser hiriente y faltón. No me preocupa la portería. Está bastante bien cubierta. Y hay un par de jugadores que se pueden rescatar si no se pudren en el barril. A partir de ahí, todo va a peor. Los oficialistas hablan y no paran que el necesario relevo generacional no está garantizado. ¿Qué dicen? Lo que no hay es presente. La secta boniata es un lastre. Son capítulo aparte. Iba a ser más duro con ellos pero… bastante tienen con vivir en el pasado. Creen que están jugando en los años 70’s cuándo aún podían decir algo con sus botas. Todo suma para el fracaso. Además se ha fichado al único argentino que no sabe jugar al football, ojo clínico el de alguno. ¿Qué más denunciar? Básicamente la preparación física es un mal chiste contado sin gracia. ¿Solución? Fichar un equipo nuevo.
Joder, ¿Y de los Sheffield Stags?
P.B: Entrenan duro , callan antes y después de cada edición y hablan en el campo, que es dónde se tiene que hablar. Tienen un equipo honesto, honrado, con dos buenos jugadores y otro que puede llegar a ser muy bueno. Por ahora, con eso les sobra para ganarnos.
¿Eres un porco bravo original?
P.B: ¡Hostias! Otro jodido invento interesado del Blog. No soy un veterano de las ocho campañas pero tampoco he disputado menos de tres. Son ganas de dividirnos y matar moscas con el rabo. Como la mierda esa de la “Guerra de las Sedes”. Artificial polémica alimentada por los lansquenetes del odio. Todos os porcos bravos somos iguales. O deberíamos serlo.
¿Cómo se adquiere la condición de porco bravo?
P.B: Es fácil. Está en los Estatutos de The Anglogalician Cup.
¿Por qué te ríes?
P.B.: Cosa mías. Básicamente, pueden ser porco bravo o stag todos aquellos que quieran Thomo y el f.m. Así de triste es la cosa.
Hablemos de vuestra innegable repercusión y fama. Por ejemplo, en Sheffield os recibió dos veces el Lord Mayor de Sheffield que curiosamente se llama Sylvia, y tanto este blog como el facebook de la competición reciben miles y miles de visitas mensuales. ¿Qué explicación le encuentras?
P.B: Personalmente, me la traen floja el número de visitas. Gente aburrida en busca de conocimiento siempre la ha habido y la habrá. Otro cantar es el cocido diplomático. Que nos reciban las autoridades es cojonudo. Pero que nos subvencionen, estaría mucho mejor. Hacemos una gran labor por la integración, el mestizaje y la amistad entre los pueblos. De todas las maneras, ni considero The Anglogalician Cup una pachanga transnacional como defienden los listos de turno, ni somos tan importantes para que acabemos cazando elefantes con la realeza.
Hablando de cantar ¿qué opinas de la escena musical de The Anglogalician Cup? A bote pronto y de dos años para acá, me suenan y bien, Bruce Springtees and the G String Band, Querido Extraño, Tora,Tora,Tora, Flip Corale y los Macabros, Neil Old&Crazy Arse o Ten Beers After.
P.B: Algunas de las mencionadas tienen recorrido profesional a años luz de The Anglogalician. Afortunadamente para ellos, cabe añadir. Se puede decir que Galizalbión siempre se ha caracterizado por ser cuna de grandes bandas.
Sheffield, Lincoln, Tadcaster, York, Whitby, Liverpool, Rugby o Nottingham son algunas de las localidades en las cuales el porcobravismo errante ha bebido.
¿Con cuál te quedas? ¿Cuál está en tu agenda para próximos viajes?
P.B: Citas algunas en las que no estuve. Para no dar pistas, te respondo Sheffield. Y por querer ir, me gustaría parar en Birmingham. Tengo referencias inmejorables.
Sheffield me vale para la gran oink-pregunta: ¿Eres Blade or Owl?
P.B: La pregunta me ofende. La gente seria solo podemos ser del Sheffield Wednesday.
Detengámonos en el espinoso tema de la pretenciosidad y prepotencia en los contenidos del blog. Hay un sector de la Causa al que chirría tanta Intertextualidad y metaliteratura, tantas referencias literarias, alusiones cinéfilas, reflexiones filosóficas, constataciones sociológicas, y juegos de espejos para iniciados. ¿Se les ha ido de las manos a los que guardan el bosque? ¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?
P.B: Todas las cuestiones de esta entrevista se resumen en la misma. Que conste que no estoy criticando tu labor. Hay que volver a las sencillas raíces de The Anglogalician Cup. Tenemos que retomar las riendas de nuestra competición con todos sus instrumentos antes que sea tarde. Me centro en el blog. Boroman o Xavier escriben de puta madre y nunca me irritan sus entradas. Luego está la mayoritaria escuela pedante y petulante que indudablemente tiene sus aciertos y sus partidarios, pero que aleja del blog a su verdadero público que somos la Porcallada. Y no me vale que se parapeten en los miles de lectores que han conseguido conduciendo por la orange plank road del elitismo. No me vale, porque en el campo de juego no nos sirven de nada. Las pajas mentales no ganan partidos. Que alguno empiece a jugar como escribe e igual nos cambia el cuento. Ahora el invierno de nuestro descontento no se vuelve verano con este sol de York….
Te está quedando un discurso tenebroso. Algo positivo habrá en la KAP, ¿non é?
P.B: Llevamos seis años y los que quedan, de sacrificios personales para poder ir a Inglaterra y que el mundo siga girando. Evidentemente, esta mierda es adictiva. Por parte de los stags es la misma fábula. Los buenos momentos golean a los malos. No hay que ser adivino para saber que tanta sinceridad traerá cola.
¿Miedo a las represalias disfrazadas de comentarios por parte del gremio de piontantes? ¿A la ira de los bloggerati?
P.B.: Parole, parole. Sorprendentemente son muchos más de los que la gente cree pero sólo hay uno que los adoctrina de verdad. Yo me veo jugando muchos años más en Os Porcos Bravos. Y quien dice jugando, dice viajando, bebiendo y aparcando tractores. Ya llevo cuatro por ahora. Récord de la Manada. Lo demás que nos rodea, es una milonga. Emboscarnos en el blog lo podemos hacer todos. En la vida, no. Ni de puta coña.
No va ser la última porque Nada termina nunca.
P.B: ha sido un placer.
Antes del largo adios, ¿qué es lo mejor y qué lo peor de ser un porco bravo en las trincheras de The Anglogalician Cup?
P.B.: Lo mejor es que me vas a pagar todas estas rondas. Lo peor es no poder jugar de blanco.
Se levanta. "Me espera una huérfana con estudios en The Furious Debate". Suena la balada Do Tractors Dream of Electric Porcos Bravos? Antes de irse, insiste más por hacer el paripé que por convicción, en el tema del anonimato. A esta horas no le prometo nada. Ya no puedo. Me imagino las barricadas en llamas cuando publiquemos esto.
En todas partes, el mismo combate.
Sostiene P. B. que él arrúa, gruñe, rebudia, ronca para el blog con una sola condición. Quiere conservar el impagable anonimato. Acepto sin dudar un instante. Máxime cuando te encuentras varado en el infame The Cab and Vomit, y la otra opción de matar la noche es descarrilar tractores hasta que te resucite la crudeza del alba. Pese a su renombre internacional, P. B. (Provincia de Pontevedra, siglo pasado), hoy por hoy sigue siendo un fantasma para nosotros, un espectro prestigioso, un desasosegante e insepulto mort.
Llevan años detrás de tu hocico para hacerte una entrevista. ¿Por qué ahora? ¿Por qué anónimamente?
P.B : No es el ahora, es el hoy. Me apetece ser la voz de todos los porcos bravos auténticos que se callan. Verbalizar un malestar. La presión comienza a ser insoportable dentro de la Mesnada. Empezamos hace cinco años como un grupo de amigos que jugaba al rugby-football sin más pretensiones que pasarlo bien, y ahora ya solo importan las giras asiáticas, la venta de camisetas y la insaciable búsqueda de nuevas alternativas de explotación comercial. The Anglogalician Cup se ha convertido en un negocio donde los sentimientos son triturados en aras de un fin que no está nada claro para los verdaderos protagonistas, nosotros. Lo del anonimato es fácil de comprender. Está claro a quien acuso del cambio. Todos los que conozcan los métodos del Rodillo y sus tropas de asalto no me lo echarán en cara. El resto que se joda.
Llevas 10 o más Orange Plank Lager. Y nunca has ganado el Lawrence Bowles. Una lectura fácil de tu alegato podría ser la del resentimiento exacerbado por el alcohol ¿Qué tienes que decir a ello?
P.B: O que digan que estoy drogado. Allá dónde los valientes no actúan, reina el Mal con mayúsculas. El aparato mediático de The Anglogalician Cup nos quiere convertir en siervos. En carne de cañón. Sufrimos un bombardeo constante: hay que hacer nuevos anexos de las guías cerveceras, acudir a Concilios, publicar piontas y más piontas, asumir que te gusta el blues o el mötorfolk a cojones, jugar de negro, meter barriga para el facebook, presumir de nacionalidades que me la traen al pairo, y vivir-beber-cagar las 24 horas de guardia para que el circo no decaiga. Es cansino e inhumano. Tenemos que reaccionar.
Repasemos. Esta es la séptima entrevista que se publica en el blog. De seguir así puede que la última. Sinceramente, ¿qué opinas de las otras?
P.B: No las leí todas en profundidad. La de Barrilete y Piranha me parece la mejor con diferencia. Luego se demostró que repetir la fórmula no te garantiza el éxito. La de Sergio es como un menú que promete mucho y se queda en nada. Si hubiese comido una hamburguesa, seguro que el resultado hubiera sido otro. Manu J pagó la novatada. Nunca alcanza el ritmo necesario. Espero que tenga una segunda oportunidad. La de Víctor es una operación de maquillaje. Está burdamente manipulada para que parezca que el sujeto es tan cool, que caga apotegmas pero como mal menor nos trajo a Mike Barja a la tripulación. Algo es algo.
En un futuro cercano ¿qué entrevista de un porco bravo esperas con más ganas?
P.B: Joder la que esperan todos. La del Espantapájaros. Con más ganas y con una guadaña. Espero que nos pida perdón a todos. Tengo grandes esperanzas en la de Martín Fisher. Es un grande de verdad. Y se debería interrogar a un tractor.
Hablemos de footbal para aliviar tensiones. Ustedes van perdiendo cinco ediciones a tres contra un equipo inglés. Sí. Han leído bien. Inglés. Teniendo en cuenta el descrédito y la falta de credibilidad que tiene en fútbol de las Islas en nuestra Península, ¿cómo se explica esto? ¿cómo lo justificas ante los lectores?
P.B: Lo que hay es mucho mito de barra de bar y mucho niputas con altavoz. Nunca infravalores a un inglés jugando con una pelota al patadón o en una pelea. (La frase no es mía pero en eso estoy de acuerdo con él). Gastronómicamente puedes ningunearlos, ja, ja,ja,ja. Otra cosa sorprendente es que beben menos y peor que nosotros. Pero me desvio de la pregunta. Hay que incidir en el tema del hogar, dulce hogar. Se ha jugado dos veces más en Sheffield que en Pontevedra. La localía influye.
Para la IX, os porcos han nombrado entrenador por primera vez. Concretamente a Barrilete. ¿A grandes males, grandes remedios??
P.B: Barrilete es celtista. Uff, no me malinterpreten pero ¡que Crom nos pille confesados! De todas suertes, sabemos que todo cambia para que siga igual. Manejarán los hilos los dos iluminados de siempre y nos volverán a follar los astados de San Jorge.
A corazón abierto. ¿Qué opinas de os porcos bravos como equipo?
P.B: ¿Equipo? No sé qué decir sin ser hiriente y faltón. No me preocupa la portería. Está bastante bien cubierta. Y hay un par de jugadores que se pueden rescatar si no se pudren en el barril. A partir de ahí, todo va a peor. Los oficialistas hablan y no paran que el necesario relevo generacional no está garantizado. ¿Qué dicen? Lo que no hay es presente. La secta boniata es un lastre. Son capítulo aparte. Iba a ser más duro con ellos pero… bastante tienen con vivir en el pasado. Creen que están jugando en los años 70’s cuándo aún podían decir algo con sus botas. Todo suma para el fracaso. Además se ha fichado al único argentino que no sabe jugar al football, ojo clínico el de alguno. ¿Qué más denunciar? Básicamente la preparación física es un mal chiste contado sin gracia. ¿Solución? Fichar un equipo nuevo.
Joder, ¿Y de los Sheffield Stags?
P.B: Entrenan duro , callan antes y después de cada edición y hablan en el campo, que es dónde se tiene que hablar. Tienen un equipo honesto, honrado, con dos buenos jugadores y otro que puede llegar a ser muy bueno. Por ahora, con eso les sobra para ganarnos.
¿Eres un porco bravo original?
P.B: ¡Hostias! Otro jodido invento interesado del Blog. No soy un veterano de las ocho campañas pero tampoco he disputado menos de tres. Son ganas de dividirnos y matar moscas con el rabo. Como la mierda esa de la “Guerra de las Sedes”. Artificial polémica alimentada por los lansquenetes del odio. Todos os porcos bravos somos iguales. O deberíamos serlo.
¿Cómo se adquiere la condición de porco bravo?
P.B: Es fácil. Está en los Estatutos de The Anglogalician Cup.
¿Por qué te ríes?
P.B.: Cosa mías. Básicamente, pueden ser porco bravo o stag todos aquellos que quieran Thomo y el f.m. Así de triste es la cosa.
Hablemos de vuestra innegable repercusión y fama. Por ejemplo, en Sheffield os recibió dos veces el Lord Mayor de Sheffield que curiosamente se llama Sylvia, y tanto este blog como el facebook de la competición reciben miles y miles de visitas mensuales. ¿Qué explicación le encuentras?
P.B: Personalmente, me la traen floja el número de visitas. Gente aburrida en busca de conocimiento siempre la ha habido y la habrá. Otro cantar es el cocido diplomático. Que nos reciban las autoridades es cojonudo. Pero que nos subvencionen, estaría mucho mejor. Hacemos una gran labor por la integración, el mestizaje y la amistad entre los pueblos. De todas las maneras, ni considero The Anglogalician Cup una pachanga transnacional como defienden los listos de turno, ni somos tan importantes para que acabemos cazando elefantes con la realeza.
Hablando de cantar ¿qué opinas de la escena musical de The Anglogalician Cup? A bote pronto y de dos años para acá, me suenan y bien, Bruce Springtees and the G String Band, Querido Extraño, Tora,Tora,Tora, Flip Corale y los Macabros, Neil Old&Crazy Arse o Ten Beers After.
P.B: Algunas de las mencionadas tienen recorrido profesional a años luz de The Anglogalician. Afortunadamente para ellos, cabe añadir. Se puede decir que Galizalbión siempre se ha caracterizado por ser cuna de grandes bandas.
Sheffield, Lincoln, Tadcaster, York, Whitby, Liverpool, Rugby o Nottingham son algunas de las localidades en las cuales el porcobravismo errante ha bebido.
¿Con cuál te quedas? ¿Cuál está en tu agenda para próximos viajes?
P.B: Citas algunas en las que no estuve. Para no dar pistas, te respondo Sheffield. Y por querer ir, me gustaría parar en Birmingham. Tengo referencias inmejorables.
Sheffield me vale para la gran oink-pregunta: ¿Eres Blade or Owl?
P.B: La pregunta me ofende. La gente seria solo podemos ser del Sheffield Wednesday.
Detengámonos en el espinoso tema de la pretenciosidad y prepotencia en los contenidos del blog. Hay un sector de la Causa al que chirría tanta Intertextualidad y metaliteratura, tantas referencias literarias, alusiones cinéfilas, reflexiones filosóficas, constataciones sociológicas, y juegos de espejos para iniciados. ¿Se les ha ido de las manos a los que guardan el bosque? ¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?
P.B: Todas las cuestiones de esta entrevista se resumen en la misma. Que conste que no estoy criticando tu labor. Hay que volver a las sencillas raíces de The Anglogalician Cup. Tenemos que retomar las riendas de nuestra competición con todos sus instrumentos antes que sea tarde. Me centro en el blog. Boroman o Xavier escriben de puta madre y nunca me irritan sus entradas. Luego está la mayoritaria escuela pedante y petulante que indudablemente tiene sus aciertos y sus partidarios, pero que aleja del blog a su verdadero público que somos la Porcallada. Y no me vale que se parapeten en los miles de lectores que han conseguido conduciendo por la orange plank road del elitismo. No me vale, porque en el campo de juego no nos sirven de nada. Las pajas mentales no ganan partidos. Que alguno empiece a jugar como escribe e igual nos cambia el cuento. Ahora el invierno de nuestro descontento no se vuelve verano con este sol de York….
Te está quedando un discurso tenebroso. Algo positivo habrá en la KAP, ¿non é?
P.B: Llevamos seis años y los que quedan, de sacrificios personales para poder ir a Inglaterra y que el mundo siga girando. Evidentemente, esta mierda es adictiva. Por parte de los stags es la misma fábula. Los buenos momentos golean a los malos. No hay que ser adivino para saber que tanta sinceridad traerá cola.
¿Miedo a las represalias disfrazadas de comentarios por parte del gremio de piontantes? ¿A la ira de los bloggerati?
P.B.: Parole, parole. Sorprendentemente son muchos más de los que la gente cree pero sólo hay uno que los adoctrina de verdad. Yo me veo jugando muchos años más en Os Porcos Bravos. Y quien dice jugando, dice viajando, bebiendo y aparcando tractores. Ya llevo cuatro por ahora. Récord de la Manada. Lo demás que nos rodea, es una milonga. Emboscarnos en el blog lo podemos hacer todos. En la vida, no. Ni de puta coña.
No va ser la última porque Nada termina nunca.
P.B: ha sido un placer.
Antes del largo adios, ¿qué es lo mejor y qué lo peor de ser un porco bravo en las trincheras de The Anglogalician Cup?
P.B.: Lo mejor es que me vas a pagar todas estas rondas. Lo peor es no poder jugar de blanco.
Se levanta. "Me espera una huérfana con estudios en The Furious Debate". Suena la balada Do Tractors Dream of Electric Porcos Bravos? Antes de irse, insiste más por hacer el paripé que por convicción, en el tema del anonimato. A esta horas no le prometo nada. Ya no puedo. Me imagino las barricadas en llamas cuando publiquemos esto.
En todas partes, el mismo combate.
I met my love by the gas works wall… (Tractorville II)
Galizalbión - Tractorville
En el cementerio de Tractorville el viento del mar ha desconchado la tapia del Noroeste; algunos porcos bravos corren en la playa cercana, dejando una invisible estela en espiral; huele a algas y azufre y el Sol ilumina la hierba con una fría luz de laboratorio.
Decían que de Sheffield traía más peltre que el pecado. Vino a emborracharse mirando a la bahía. Estaba el Mar Esquecido sucio y tranquilo, y era misteriosa su serenidad, adivinándose como vientre terso, de ahogado,con las entrañas hirvientes"
Estrabón Geographika Volumen VI: libros XV-XVI
Demangeon, A: La Galize-albion, un point chaud aux marges de l'Europe? Paris, Guénégaud, 1975
Lacoste, Yves: "Géopolitique des régions porcaines: vol 1 : La Galize-albion septentrionale et la façade atlantique” París, Choiseul éditions.
Harvey, David: “Spaces of extremes: the case of Tractorville.” Pluto Press (2008)
Salgado Wyler, Desiderio: “O impacto espacial da AGC na populación migratoria de Tractorville: de 0 a 1280.” Ed. do Changarro. Santiago de Compostela.
[nota: mapa + escudo + bibliografía by citoyen; intro by rodillarato editions]
Decían que de Sheffield traía más peltre que el pecado. Vino a emborracharse mirando a la bahía. Estaba el Mar Esquecido sucio y tranquilo, y era misteriosa su serenidad, adivinándose como vientre terso, de ahogado,con las entrañas hirvientes"
Estrabón Geographika Volumen VI: libros XV-XVI
Demangeon, A: La Galize-albion, un point chaud aux marges de l'Europe? Paris, Guénégaud, 1975
Lacoste, Yves: "Géopolitique des régions porcaines: vol 1 : La Galize-albion septentrionale et la façade atlantique” París, Choiseul éditions.
Harvey, David: “Spaces of extremes: the case of Tractorville.” Pluto Press (2008)
Salgado Wyler, Desiderio: “O impacto espacial da AGC na populación migratoria de Tractorville: de 0 a 1280.” Ed. do Changarro. Santiago de Compostela.
[nota: mapa + escudo + bibliografía by citoyen; intro by rodillarato editions]
Tractorville. Pop: 1280
Galizalbión - Tractorville
Hay otros mundos, pero no los conocemos
Dice la leyenda que a las costas de Galizalbión arribó en tiempos una pequeña nave, cáscara de nuez, mísera corteza, transportando el cuerpo exangüe del filósofo comerciante Valerio Cátulo Marco Tulio Lépido Diocleciano. Los habitantes del castro que coronaba la península Choletas, habrían visto la embarcación encallada en las Rochas do Tártaro Lazslo Toth y habrían atribuido la suerte de aquel hombre a la intervención de Crom. Esos mismos hombres, siempre según la leyenda, habrían rescatado al ciudadano romano y sus mujeres le habrían brindado los cuidados necesarios. Restaurada la salud y agradecido su espíritu, Diocleciano habría decidido quedarse con aquel pueblo rudimentario hasta haberles transmitido todos sus conocimientos y, a tal fin, se habría autoproclamado I Rodillo de la Villa Tractatus. Aquí las versiones difieren y la cuestión es objeto de agrias polémicas, porque según la lógica y la lingüística, el término tractatus aludiría a las labores desempeñadas por Diocleciano, esto es, a su nuevo empleo como ilustrador de bárbaros, y el nombre de Tractorville no tendría entonces nada que ver con la sobreabundancia y sublimación de tractores que vienen siendo norma en la ciudad moderna.
Sea cual fuere el origen del topónimo, lo cierto es que Tractorville es una villa rebosante de encanto que todo turista amante de los paisajes, la cultura y la buena mesa debería visitar. Declarada en 2008 Ciudad Libérrima Para Un Zeitgeist Postcontemporáneo por la UNWTO, Tractorville es el lugar ideal para disfrutar de unos días de descanso sin dejar de sorprenderse a cada paso.
Las impresionantes murallas que resguardan el casco antiguo tienen origen en el hecho de que durante siglos la villa fue refugio de filibusteros, corsarios, piratas y bucaneros. En sus mil tabernas (0,78/ hab.) mojaron las barbas Klaus Störtebeker y Thorbjorn Thorsteinsson; Olivier Levasseur y Laurens de Graaf; O-Po-Tae y Benito de Soto Aboal. Y Teach y Bellamy y Drake. Todos ayudaron a convertir en legendarias a las mujeres de Tractorville y difundieron la fama de las breweries locales, aún hoy principal fuente de riqueza de la ciudad.
Una peculiaridad de la fortaleza es que solo tiene acceso por su lado oeste, orientado hacia el mar. La Porta Cirith Ungol se abre a la Praia das Ánimas y obliga al visitante recién llegado a rodear la muralla a pie, pues acontece algo en verdad extraño en Tractorville: sus calles están libres de vehículos a motor. El bullicio de sus habitantes contrasta con la inusitada tranquilidad que uno puede sentir paseando sin preocuparse por ser atropellado. Tampoco hay perros y los niños no son bienvenidos en la mayoría de los locales, por lo que no es aconsejable como destino familiar.
Otra característica de Tractorville es su efervescencia cultural. Se puede tomar un café con Lope de Vega en el Ateneo Hog Libérrimo o charlar con John Ford a la sombra del Monumento al Atormentado Catador de Coños, obra contemporánea de reciente inauguración que atestigua el gusto por el arte de la población local. Son costumbre los soliloquios más extravagantes improvisados en cualquier parte por sus histriónicos habitantes y siempre es posible encontrar música en directo en los alrededores de Boroman Circus, donde también se concentran los mejores pubs de la ciudad.
Ciudad extemporánea, Tractorville es además una de esas villas divididas por una ancestral rivalidad entre facciones. La Orange Plank Road, su arteria principal, la secciona de este a oeste separando los territorios de Stags y Porcos Bravos. El viajero que guste de empaparse en las tradiciones locales podrá disfrutar de los constantes eventos deportivos que enfrentan a unos y otros en los poéticos campos Wyler y Kitchener, donde el dudoso valor intrínseco del acontecimiento carece de importancia ante la incomparable belleza del entorno. Del Kitchener, ubicado en lo alto de la misteriosa isla de Crom, se dice que se yergue sobre el lugar donde los habitantes originarios de Tractorville ofrecían sacrificios humanos a los dioses, aunque nunca se ha hallado constancia arqueológica de este hecho. Mucho más podría contarse sobre pasado, presente y futuro de este emplazamiento viril y romántico, posiblemente el último reducto atlántico de un algo que no es fácil de definir pero que, en cualquier caso, desaparecerá como lágrimas nocturnas en la rompiente de un farallón acosado por la tempestad.
- Orange Plank Road
- Orphan Street
- Praza Pensée Unique
- Porta Cirith Ungol
- Avda. Willy Sifones Working Class Hero
- Puerto Maltés
- Dowson District
- Boroman Circus
- Istmo de Váterloo
- Península Choletas
- Praia das Ánimas
- Illa de Crom
- Rochas do Tártaro Lazslo Toth
- Campo Wyler
- Campo Kitchener
- Mar Esquecido
- País: Galizalbión (capital)
- Idioma oficial: Galbionés
- Moneda oficial: Fento (1 Fento>12$USA)
- Forma de gobierno: Despotismo Ilustrado
- Símbolo nacional: flor de toxo sobre bosta de vaca
- Himno oficial: "Marcha Porca y Circunstancia"(H. Helgar)
- Ubicación: algún lugar da costa atlántica
- Superficie: lustrosa
- Población: 1280 hab. (2011)
- Gentilicio: Atractivos, -as.
- Presupuesto: 240’20 fentos (2011)
- Patrón: Ægir
- Patrona: María Vasco da Gama
- Festividades: 17 de Enero
- ...
Dice la leyenda que a las costas de Galizalbión arribó en tiempos una pequeña nave, cáscara de nuez, mísera corteza, transportando el cuerpo exangüe del filósofo comerciante Valerio Cátulo Marco Tulio Lépido Diocleciano. Los habitantes del castro que coronaba la península Choletas, habrían visto la embarcación encallada en las Rochas do Tártaro Lazslo Toth y habrían atribuido la suerte de aquel hombre a la intervención de Crom. Esos mismos hombres, siempre según la leyenda, habrían rescatado al ciudadano romano y sus mujeres le habrían brindado los cuidados necesarios. Restaurada la salud y agradecido su espíritu, Diocleciano habría decidido quedarse con aquel pueblo rudimentario hasta haberles transmitido todos sus conocimientos y, a tal fin, se habría autoproclamado I Rodillo de la Villa Tractatus. Aquí las versiones difieren y la cuestión es objeto de agrias polémicas, porque según la lógica y la lingüística, el término tractatus aludiría a las labores desempeñadas por Diocleciano, esto es, a su nuevo empleo como ilustrador de bárbaros, y el nombre de Tractorville no tendría entonces nada que ver con la sobreabundancia y sublimación de tractores que vienen siendo norma en la ciudad moderna.
Sea cual fuere el origen del topónimo, lo cierto es que Tractorville es una villa rebosante de encanto que todo turista amante de los paisajes, la cultura y la buena mesa debería visitar. Declarada en 2008 Ciudad Libérrima Para Un Zeitgeist Postcontemporáneo por la UNWTO, Tractorville es el lugar ideal para disfrutar de unos días de descanso sin dejar de sorprenderse a cada paso.
Las impresionantes murallas que resguardan el casco antiguo tienen origen en el hecho de que durante siglos la villa fue refugio de filibusteros, corsarios, piratas y bucaneros. En sus mil tabernas (0,78/ hab.) mojaron las barbas Klaus Störtebeker y Thorbjorn Thorsteinsson; Olivier Levasseur y Laurens de Graaf; O-Po-Tae y Benito de Soto Aboal. Y Teach y Bellamy y Drake. Todos ayudaron a convertir en legendarias a las mujeres de Tractorville y difundieron la fama de las breweries locales, aún hoy principal fuente de riqueza de la ciudad.
Una peculiaridad de la fortaleza es que solo tiene acceso por su lado oeste, orientado hacia el mar. La Porta Cirith Ungol se abre a la Praia das Ánimas y obliga al visitante recién llegado a rodear la muralla a pie, pues acontece algo en verdad extraño en Tractorville: sus calles están libres de vehículos a motor. El bullicio de sus habitantes contrasta con la inusitada tranquilidad que uno puede sentir paseando sin preocuparse por ser atropellado. Tampoco hay perros y los niños no son bienvenidos en la mayoría de los locales, por lo que no es aconsejable como destino familiar.
Otra característica de Tractorville es su efervescencia cultural. Se puede tomar un café con Lope de Vega en el Ateneo Hog Libérrimo o charlar con John Ford a la sombra del Monumento al Atormentado Catador de Coños, obra contemporánea de reciente inauguración que atestigua el gusto por el arte de la población local. Son costumbre los soliloquios más extravagantes improvisados en cualquier parte por sus histriónicos habitantes y siempre es posible encontrar música en directo en los alrededores de Boroman Circus, donde también se concentran los mejores pubs de la ciudad.
Ciudad extemporánea, Tractorville es además una de esas villas divididas por una ancestral rivalidad entre facciones. La Orange Plank Road, su arteria principal, la secciona de este a oeste separando los territorios de Stags y Porcos Bravos. El viajero que guste de empaparse en las tradiciones locales podrá disfrutar de los constantes eventos deportivos que enfrentan a unos y otros en los poéticos campos Wyler y Kitchener, donde el dudoso valor intrínseco del acontecimiento carece de importancia ante la incomparable belleza del entorno. Del Kitchener, ubicado en lo alto de la misteriosa isla de Crom, se dice que se yergue sobre el lugar donde los habitantes originarios de Tractorville ofrecían sacrificios humanos a los dioses, aunque nunca se ha hallado constancia arqueológica de este hecho. Mucho más podría contarse sobre pasado, presente y futuro de este emplazamiento viril y romántico, posiblemente el último reducto atlántico de un algo que no es fácil de definir pero que, en cualquier caso, desaparecerá como lágrimas nocturnas en la rompiente de un farallón acosado por la tempestad.
El gato sigue aún destripando en secreto al perro ocasional, arrancando cabezas de pollo de un mordisco
Osmundo B., autor pontevedrés, cosecha del 67, que cuenta sus lectores por cientos de miles, entrevista a Sergio Vidal (Pontevedra, 1982), el landlord-frontman del porcobravismo rampante.
Me reúno con Sergio un sábado a mediodía en el Bagos, un pequeño bistró del casco antiguo pontevedrés ideal para mantener una conversación tranquila con buen vino y viandas de calidad. Una ligera resaca de la noche anterior es el único pero, y mis facultades mentales no están en su momento de mayor plenitud, pero si el mundo fuera perfecto ya habría dejado de existir hace tiempo.
Sin más preámbulos, pedimos el vino (aquí no sirven cerveza) y el elegido es Gabacho, un tinto de la Rioja alavesa cuyo responsable, el francés Olivier Rivière, cruzó los Pirineos hace unos años para elaborar sus caldos con una buena dosis de ironía, como pone de manifiesto el nombre del producto. Buen comienzo.
Reconfortado el ánimo, entramos en materia. Para preparar nuestra charla me he leído varias entradas del blog y confieso que no he entendido ni la mitad, así que espero que Sergio me aclare algunas cosas.
¿Esto de la Anglogalician Cup va en serio o es una pachanga regada con grandes dosis de alcohol?
Va muy en serio, algunos duermen en camas hiperbáricas, otros se machacan en el gimnasio, otros intentamos, mediante una dieta equilibrada, preparar nuestros estómagos para la cantidad de alcohol con la que intentarán ahogarnos. Yo diría más, son los partidos mas importantes del año, todo lo que conlleva viajes, pubs, huérfanas y conciertos, son pequeños males necesarios.
Como ya hemos empezado en el lado equivocado de la Manche, seguimos ahondando en la herida. Llega nuestra terrine de foie. Sin palabras.
He visto algunas imágenes subidas de tono en el blog. ¿Hay algún componente carnal? (Es decir, ¿se folla?) Sé de más de uno que reactivaría sus maltrechas carnes para vivir unos últimos momentos de gloria.
Hay cuestiones de las que por contrato tenemos prohibido hablar. Hay que ser Porco en el campo y en la vida, después de todo nunca es bueno desvelar todas nuestras andanzas.
No obstante diré que seguramente alguno soñaría con dar su ultimo estertor con alguna huérfana... perdón quería decir en el partido .
Continuamos con una concesión a los ancestros, pulpo a la gallega, pero deconstruido según los principios de la nouvelle couisine. Espectacular.
Después de unas cuantas ediciones, la Anglogalician Cup parece consolidada. ¿Hay algún proyecto de ampliar la competición? ¿No estaría bien celebrar una especie de torneo cinco naciones con los adler germanos, los lupi transalpinos o los coqs galos, por ejemplo? Sería una especie de apocalipsis futbolístico-cervecero.
Bah, eso nunca podría ser, habría que mantener demasiado la compostura para que nadie resultase herido. Tú imagínate, gabachos!!! e italianos !!! Con los primeros habría que tener cuidado para no romperlos y total se acabarían rindiendo, y con los segundos sería jugar contra 7 como Lutzky, ajjaajaj. A mí personalmente contra los alemanes no tendría problema, gente seria joder, bebedores de cerveza.
Tempura de crevettes avec moutarde, un toque nipón para llegar al cielo.
Dejando a un lado las pasiones balompédicas, la única actividad de la Cup en la que he participado es el mítico concierto de la sala Karma el año pasado, donde pudimos asistir a la presentación de Castlevania, actualmente Tora! Tora! Tora! ¿Se va a repetir algo así en próximas ediciones? ¿Vais a componer un himno? No estaría mal para animar a la tropa.
Se repetirá eso seguro. De hecho ya se ha repetido en Sheffield y si todo avanza como hasta ahora, en octubre tendremos concierto. Lo del Himno yo casi pasaría más que nada por no ver como unos se ponen la mano en el pecho otros miran al cielo como Raúl y alguno que otro fijo que silba. Nuestro único himno es el "Anglogalician Cup nananana Anglogalician Cup nanana nanana", que es como el de la Champions, neutral y utilizado por los dos bandos.
Como traca final, faux brouillé de morue, contundencia y delicadeza. Inapelable.
Por último, en una entrada del blog aparecen referencias a Beckett y Joyce, y ahí sí que me he perdido. ¿Me lo explicas?
Es un metacuento. Ahora, ahí que cada uno le dé la interpretación que quiera a la cuestión, lo que el Rodillarato oculta es la verdadera intención, la polémica por la polémica, a lo Salvame Deluxe, ataviados, eso sí, con un halo de misticismo y cultura. Bueno, más o menos un reflejo de lo que es la Cup.
Casi al límite, no podía faltar le fromage, aunque a Sergio le está vedado este placer.
Para rematar la faena nos faltaría la copa de cognac de rigor, pero un inoportuno ensayo de su grupo obliga a Sergio a salir corriendo. Tal vez sea mejor así, porque ya empezábamos a ponernos tiernos. Otra vez será...
Also sprach Boroman
Rutas Pubtuarias
The Tills Are Alive With The Sound of Music... Boroman’s Top 20 Sheffield Music Pubs
Let’s face it Sheffield is a musical City and this is reflected in the number of pubs and bars hosting live music. From City Wine Bars with all the ambience of an Airport Lounge to Local Pubs as welcoming as a fart in a spacesuit we’ve got the lot. In fact most of the pubs in the City Centre have music of some sort, apart from drunken locals auditioning for the X-Factor. Even the tattoo parlours have music rehearsal rooms to hire – see pic below. Those below are distinct in that they are primarily drinking dens that host music rather than dedicated music venues like the City Hall, Memorial Hall, O2 Academy, Leadmill and the Plug. My mate Colin goes to every gig in Sheffield so we don’t have to go to these places to get the low down. Many of those mentioned also boast a fine selection of beers, lagers, alchopops, and spirits, unlike the aforementioned music “venues” who usually charge a Kings ransom for flat tasteless “cooking” lager you can get at the local supermarket for a 5th of the price. This also isn’t an exhaustive list by any means as there are new ones opening up I haven’t visited yet such as Maggie Mays but these are some of my favourites, in no particular order.
The Dove and Rainbow – Arguably Sheffield’s sleaziest rock bar, some would call it “atmospheric” some would call it a shit hole. Even the arms of the chairs have got tattoo’s on them etc etc. It’s a one room bar with pool table at one end and a stage at the other, with pinball tables and a fag machine. Has a small selection of Real Ales, along with generic lagers and alchopops. Good range of live music though obviously leaning towards the heavier end of the rock spectrum. There is nowt like a bit of Death Metal with your “Devil’s Butthole” (5% ABV) and pork scratchings. Also has an excellent juke box. Was in there one lunchtime and a couple of ladies well into their seventies were grooving to Led Zeppelin. “Stairway to Heaven” suddenly had much more resonance. Avoid the toilets if at all possible though as they are what you would expect to see on a French Farm.
The Greystones – This has taken up the mantle of the much missed “Boardwalk” as one of Sheffield’s premier music venues but it’s out of town location and relatively small stage/music room is a slight drawback. There is live entertainment every night, covering every type of music, including regular visits from the best of British and internationally established “turns”. They also have stand-up comedy and poetry recitals too. I believe Shabba & Thomo are carrying on their double act there next week. In the car park. It’s a Thornbridge pub, so has an excellent selection of real ales. A quality venue, Flip Chorale & Los Macabros and Tora,Tora,Tora, would be at home here. Chuck Prophet is playing here in April. Get in there.
Bath Hotel - Small but perfectly formed, two-room corner pub in the City Centre. The black & white tiled floor is reminiscent of a Victorian parlour and the place may still be frequented by the odd chimney sweep, cut-purse & bootblack. Time moves slowly in Yorkshire. The back room is often home to literary and poetry groups discussing the latest cultural and philosophical events so none of the Stags have actually been in there. The equally small “main” room has a dart board resulting in many a patron sporting an arrow through the noggin’ before closing time. They do occasional gigs, mainly Jazz, Blues and Folk. Not much room for anything more than a duo so be prepared for the odd violin bow in the kisser. Has an excellent range of real ales with an ever changing menu for the connoisseur or visiting piss artist. I can just see Martin “The Goal Machine” smoking one of his trademark Fidel’s whilst quaffing a pint of “Goal Hanger” (3% ABV.)
University Arms -. Upper class establishment as the name suggests. You have to wear a tuxedo to get in the lounge. Usually full, that is full of student types paying for a bag of crisps at the bar with a credit card. Don’t attempt the pub quiz, it’s harder than Mastermind I can tell you. It boasts a fine selection of Acorn Brewery and guest ales. They do occasionally have live music of an eclectic variety, jazz, folk, world music as you would expect. All rather sedate mind you, nothing too loud and snotty. Don’t expect to see The Bollock Brothers there anytime soon.
Frog and Parrot - A famous City Centre pub, one of the earliest real ale haunts and home to the legendary “Roger and Out” a beer so strong they only serve it in halves and Thomo gets squiffy after five pints. Was in here one night in the early nineties with some mates from Boro, and during some sort of confrontation about “protection” some local toughs smashed all the bottles and optics behind the bar, then nonchalantly walked out. Bit of a fuss to make about the condom machines I thought. Canny boozer me mates said without a hint of irony. This is a well-established music venue with regular live bands and solo performances. Ten Beers After’ Bass Ace, Funky Paul is a regular performer here. Also hosts an annual Frogstock Festival with performers on all day over a weekend. Bring a guitar and you can serenade the attendant throng with your reggae version of “If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me” whilst supping a pint of “British Bulldogs Bollocks” (5% ABV).
Fagin’s - A small local just down from West Street. Like a typical Dublin Bar (without the fighting) with live “sessions” most nights apart from Thursday when they have a quiz. (Don’t attempt this. It makes the University Arms Quiz look like a shopping list. One of the questions went “Here’s an atom, now split it”) Musicianship is of the highest standard but it’s very welcoming for the beginner too. As befits a proper pub session, there are lots of fiddles, acoustic guitars, accordions and mandolin (thanks Trev). “Dead Flowers” very own Duncan also hosts sessions on a Saturday so you are guaranteed superb Tom Petty covers amongst the musical excellence. One night after a few Guinness’ I actually had the bottle to get up and sing “Long Black Veil” by Johnny Cash. The subsequent restraining order means I can’t go back in there until 2015. Choice of ales is limited but excellently kept and the home-made food is second to none. It’s a regular haunt of genuine music legend and gentleman Richard Hawley, who often holds court in the tiny “snug” next to the bar.
The Forum – Trendy bar and eatery. The décor outside hints at Antonio Gaudi but this isn’t the Ramblas, unless the Ramblas is an open piece of waste ground full of skateboarders and winos. Food is excellent though service can be slow as the staff enjoy posing, seeming to think they are working in Hollywood and will be picked up anytime soon. “Come on love, where’s me chips???” To cement its reputation as a trendy bar sometimes shows movies, mainly obscure World Cinema, usually in black and white with subtitles. You won’t see “Legally Blonde” here I’m afraid. They also host the occasional gig. Colin saw Vintage Trouble there recently and said they were awesome with their lead singer blasting it out whilst standing on the bar. Mind you if he’d have spilt Col’s pint he would have chinned him. Patrons are the trend setters of Sheffield so expect to see plenty of “Man Bags” and I don’t mean those you hold whilst taking a piss. Small selection of on tap real ales but mainly bottles. You can strike a shape clutching a bottle of “Laslo Piss” Polish Lager (20% ABV).
Walkabout Bar – Much like its slightly skuzzier chain “cousin” Weatherspoons, you know what you are getting in a Walkabout and this one is no exception. Converted from an old Church the building itself is impressive and very spacious it is too with an upper level containing church pews for seats and a massive organ (oooh eeer missus) overlooking the bar area. The whole thing is uncannily like the “House of Blues” in New Orleans but that’s another story. It has massive screens for sporting events and the usual range of beers, mainly of the generic lager variety. You know the “F” word, Bud and Red Stripe, all brewed in the same bucket methinks. Decent and cheap food to act as belly ballast whilst you spend a day watching the English crush the Aussies at cricket, whilst ribbing the Aussie bar staff. Don’t like it when we are on top do you “cobber”? Occasional “Battle of the Bands” events when,even if you are shit, if you have the most mates in the crowd, you win.
Sportsman – A spit and sawdust throwback of real character. It doesn’t have live music as such, but worth a mention as the owners of one of the best juke boxes in the Northern Hemisphere. They even have a “Rock DJ” on a Thursday. Yes he’s got a blonde mullet and yes he’s stuck in a 1970’s time loop but where else could you hear Atomic Rooster at bone crushing volume whilst supping a pint of “Cobblers Nuts” (8% ABV)? I was there last week with Funky Paul listening to a bit of Robin Trower and got so pissed I left my house keys in there. Cath said I was more concerned about the key ring they were on, a guitar pick holder I got from Manny’s Music Shop in New York, than the keys themselves. I’d rather be burgled than lose that pick holder to be honest. Anyway the bar staff found them under a chair (funny I didn’t notice them when I collapsed on the floor) and gave them back to me a couple of days later. Result.
Delaney’s - There have been many pubs on this site. Most recently the Dulo Bar, a monstrosity kitted out like a “club” complete with DJ Decks and mood lighting. Thankfully restored to a proper music bar owned by well known Sheffield Musician and mover and shaker Steve Delaney. As you would expect has quality bands on weekends with an open mike night on a Thursday – Viktor where are you?? We are hoping to get “Slow Moves” and “Forty Four Joules” to play there sometime soon once they have dried the beer out of their amps from the Yellow Arch gig. Recommended.
The Harley - Loud, disheveled “claggy mat” of a music bar with the atmosphere of a Roadhouse, though probably too rough for Patrick Swayze. I believe this is a Hotel too but who the hell would want to stay there I haven’t a clue. It has regular live music, usually from singer-song writing types or Arctic Monkey’s wannabes. Recent acts include Willy Mason and the mighty Josh T Pearson.
West Street Live - When it first opened it seemed a laudable attempt at an American Bar in Sheffield. Looking a bit road worn now but still worth a visit. Has Live bands most nights, mostly “tribute” acts but a good range of stuff on show. Busy on weekends but tends to be empty on a weekday. My mate Dave’s band played here and me and my pal Bry were the only one’s in the crowd. Dave said it’s not often you play and know the entire crowd personally. He even waited to start a number until I’d gone to the toilet. They then blasted out an accomplished and passionate set like they were playing the Royal Albert Hall. Now that’s Rock’n’Roll.
The Harlequin – Stags resident raconteur Ron Clayton’s old “office”. This is a traditional boozer, with regular live bands, covering a range of musical bases, though rock covers are predominant. Last time I was in, a band were playing 40’s swing stuff so convincingly I thought I’d get powdered egg in me sarnie. The blackout curtains were a bit over the top though. This is also a very highly regarded real ale pub with a liver busting selection. They host regular beer festivals too. I remember the Porcos lads in there when there was a quiz on. Me and the Stags were a little worse for wear having been on the “Old Scrotum” (5% ABV) so it was with no surprise, though a little embarrassment, that the Porcos got more questions right than we did. Still, we beat ‘em at darts.
The HOP – A new venue in the “Devonshire Quarter” of the City Centre. (Why they call it that I can’t fathom, this isn’t New Orleans and the “area” in question is about the size of a 5-a side pitch. A question of planners getting up their own arses methinks to ratchet up the prices of the flats round there. They must have been from Lancashire.) Anyway this is a big pub with an excellent and large selection of real ales looking to establish itself with a range of mainly Rock and Blues Tribute Bands. Early reports are promising. Will be checking out a Bruce Springsteen tribute band there soon. They also specialize in quality pies! Break out the Henderson’s and let’s boogie.
The Pheasant – Although situated on the outskirts of town this is still a legendary Sheffield Music pub. There can’t be many music fans who haven’t sat in the back room of the “Phez” on a Friday night listening to the Frank White Band. A large roadhouse style pub, it used to attract international acts in it’s heyday but seems to have gone into a decline much like the local football teams (sorry lads couldn’t resist). I remember seeing now sadly passed Blues Legend Luther Allison in there with his full band, horn section and everything. Still one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to. Some would say it’s a bit rough but aren’t all the best pubs?? I remember the Bier Keller in Middlesbrough in the seventies, when punk started. Gangs of bikers/rockers used to wait outside for the punks and if you couldn’t recite the Rolling Stones entire back catalogue, including single releases, you got your head kicked in. It was like bloody Altamont I can tell you. Keef would have approved though.
Hillsborough Barracks Tavern - A real traditional pub with a trouser soiling selection of real ales, international lagers and soft drinks for the ladies (and Mackems). They have regular live music, with top class local performers to the fore. They also have a couple of smaller offshoot rooms including a dart board in the front side bar and a rather pleasant seated backyard area. The food is homemade and excellent so this one’s pretty much got the lot and is highly recommended. Many’s the evening I’ve been regaled by the most excellent “Johnny and the Prison Didn’t Help Boys” (possibly the only folk/rock/country/blues band to feature the erhu) over a pint of “Tinker’s Jockstrap” (12% ABV). It’s also where the Owls fans congregate before and after the match. It’s usually recommended to go for the gallon before the match then fill up after with another few more. That helps to scrub from the memory banks the 90 minutes of “action” you have witnessed. I remember Boro getting hammered there one time (thank you Benni Carboni) but by the time I left the pub I thought we’d won. Result.
The Washington – Apparently the “Wash” is owned by one of the blokes out of Pulp. Despite that it’s an excellent mix of real local and select music venue, albeit a very small one, punching well above its weight. On a weekend the walled back garden area is very popular, as is the nearby Devonshire Green. That is, a popular place to divest yourself of the 12 pints of “5 Knuckle Shuffle” (10% ABV) and hot chili kebab you’ve taken on board during the evening, before staggering into the darkness, desperately trying to hail a taxi home.
The Cremorne – One from the other (red and white) side of town. Though a small bar, they do host regular live music having opened a small performance room across the backyard. Excellent position on London Road to sample International cuisine to go with the 10 pints of “Shepherd’s Rectum” (10% ABV) you’ve just supped. If you are around there on a Saturday watch out for the occasional clearance from the Lane landing on your head. Total Football my arse. They still carry the ball off on a stretcher at half time.
The Shakespeare – A long established Sheffield pub which has risen, Phoenix like, from closure to become a real ale hot spot. They are also committed to live music, carrying on the tradition of it’s previous incarnation. Has already boasted some classic gigs inc Justin Townes Earle, Steve’s son, who amongst the doobie smoke (man it was just like Woodstock) produced a memorable set shot through with Hank Williams inspired country heartache. Yea, and indeed, Haw.
Fat Cat - Spiritual Home of the Anglo Galician Cup and Real Ale Mecca, though it doesn’t do bingo. Not really a music pub (although who can forget Alfredo’s rousing rendition of that old favourite “Anglo Galician Cup nah nah nah nah nah, Anglo Galician cup nah nah nah nah nah nah”– classic) but they do occasionally have bands in the back yard so any excuse to give them a mention. There is a plaque on the wall to commemorate the AG Cup next to the one marking where Argie got his first round in. It saw the introduction of our very own “Anglo Galician Ale” (5% ABV) though the barrel didn’t last long once the beer monsters of the Porcos Bravos got going. Legend has it that some of its patrons were witness to a particularly gruesome robbery and on a dark winters night if you listen closely on the breath of wind you can hear soft voices whispering “4-2 to the Stags – we was robbed”. Not to be confused with the Gato Gordo, Pontevedra, owned by AG Cup legend and Tora,Tora,Tora frontman Sergio. I knew he liked a drink but buying a whole pub was a bit extreme. Can you get barred from your own boozer???
Those we have lost
The current economic climate (cold, with a definite chance of heavy rain (or Cleggy as we say in Sheffield)) has seen the closure of a number of pubs in the city including some excellent music venues. Just about everyone who has ever played music cut their teeth in the upstairs room at the Grapes. The music room was closed down when the owner of the nearby Dog & Partridge moved across and took the entire contents of that particular Irish Bar with them. It’s now shows Horse Racing from the Curragh and the walls are covered with pictures of the Kennedys, in my opinion the biggest bunch of crooks and liars since the Borgia’s. Still they were “Oirish” I suppose. Most serious was the closing of the Boardwalk (previously known as the Black Swan or Mucky Duck) in mysterious circumstances which to this day have still not been fully explained.
Everyone from the Clash to Ryan Adams to Robert Plant played there at one time or another and it’s passing leaves a massive hole in Sheffield’s music scene. Honorable mention to The Halcyon Bar who, after a gig by The Tipsy Kings on Colin’s 50th birthday, closed the following day, got a total re-fit, changed its name and re-opened as a restaurant with no live music. For Those About To Rock, We Salute You.
Boroman aka Neil Old
Let’s face it Sheffield is a musical City and this is reflected in the number of pubs and bars hosting live music. From City Wine Bars with all the ambience of an Airport Lounge to Local Pubs as welcoming as a fart in a spacesuit we’ve got the lot. In fact most of the pubs in the City Centre have music of some sort, apart from drunken locals auditioning for the X-Factor. Even the tattoo parlours have music rehearsal rooms to hire – see pic below. Those below are distinct in that they are primarily drinking dens that host music rather than dedicated music venues like the City Hall, Memorial Hall, O2 Academy, Leadmill and the Plug. My mate Colin goes to every gig in Sheffield so we don’t have to go to these places to get the low down. Many of those mentioned also boast a fine selection of beers, lagers, alchopops, and spirits, unlike the aforementioned music “venues” who usually charge a Kings ransom for flat tasteless “cooking” lager you can get at the local supermarket for a 5th of the price. This also isn’t an exhaustive list by any means as there are new ones opening up I haven’t visited yet such as Maggie Mays but these are some of my favourites, in no particular order.
The Dove and Rainbow – Arguably Sheffield’s sleaziest rock bar, some would call it “atmospheric” some would call it a shit hole. Even the arms of the chairs have got tattoo’s on them etc etc. It’s a one room bar with pool table at one end and a stage at the other, with pinball tables and a fag machine. Has a small selection of Real Ales, along with generic lagers and alchopops. Good range of live music though obviously leaning towards the heavier end of the rock spectrum. There is nowt like a bit of Death Metal with your “Devil’s Butthole” (5% ABV) and pork scratchings. Also has an excellent juke box. Was in there one lunchtime and a couple of ladies well into their seventies were grooving to Led Zeppelin. “Stairway to Heaven” suddenly had much more resonance. Avoid the toilets if at all possible though as they are what you would expect to see on a French Farm.
The Greystones – This has taken up the mantle of the much missed “Boardwalk” as one of Sheffield’s premier music venues but it’s out of town location and relatively small stage/music room is a slight drawback. There is live entertainment every night, covering every type of music, including regular visits from the best of British and internationally established “turns”. They also have stand-up comedy and poetry recitals too. I believe Shabba & Thomo are carrying on their double act there next week. In the car park. It’s a Thornbridge pub, so has an excellent selection of real ales. A quality venue, Flip Chorale & Los Macabros and Tora,Tora,Tora, would be at home here. Chuck Prophet is playing here in April. Get in there.
Bath Hotel - Small but perfectly formed, two-room corner pub in the City Centre. The black & white tiled floor is reminiscent of a Victorian parlour and the place may still be frequented by the odd chimney sweep, cut-purse & bootblack. Time moves slowly in Yorkshire. The back room is often home to literary and poetry groups discussing the latest cultural and philosophical events so none of the Stags have actually been in there. The equally small “main” room has a dart board resulting in many a patron sporting an arrow through the noggin’ before closing time. They do occasional gigs, mainly Jazz, Blues and Folk. Not much room for anything more than a duo so be prepared for the odd violin bow in the kisser. Has an excellent range of real ales with an ever changing menu for the connoisseur or visiting piss artist. I can just see Martin “The Goal Machine” smoking one of his trademark Fidel’s whilst quaffing a pint of “Goal Hanger” (3% ABV.)
University Arms -. Upper class establishment as the name suggests. You have to wear a tuxedo to get in the lounge. Usually full, that is full of student types paying for a bag of crisps at the bar with a credit card. Don’t attempt the pub quiz, it’s harder than Mastermind I can tell you. It boasts a fine selection of Acorn Brewery and guest ales. They do occasionally have live music of an eclectic variety, jazz, folk, world music as you would expect. All rather sedate mind you, nothing too loud and snotty. Don’t expect to see The Bollock Brothers there anytime soon.
Frog and Parrot - A famous City Centre pub, one of the earliest real ale haunts and home to the legendary “Roger and Out” a beer so strong they only serve it in halves and Thomo gets squiffy after five pints. Was in here one night in the early nineties with some mates from Boro, and during some sort of confrontation about “protection” some local toughs smashed all the bottles and optics behind the bar, then nonchalantly walked out. Bit of a fuss to make about the condom machines I thought. Canny boozer me mates said without a hint of irony. This is a well-established music venue with regular live bands and solo performances. Ten Beers After’ Bass Ace, Funky Paul is a regular performer here. Also hosts an annual Frogstock Festival with performers on all day over a weekend. Bring a guitar and you can serenade the attendant throng with your reggae version of “If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me” whilst supping a pint of “British Bulldogs Bollocks” (5% ABV).
Fagin’s - A small local just down from West Street. Like a typical Dublin Bar (without the fighting) with live “sessions” most nights apart from Thursday when they have a quiz. (Don’t attempt this. It makes the University Arms Quiz look like a shopping list. One of the questions went “Here’s an atom, now split it”) Musicianship is of the highest standard but it’s very welcoming for the beginner too. As befits a proper pub session, there are lots of fiddles, acoustic guitars, accordions and mandolin (thanks Trev). “Dead Flowers” very own Duncan also hosts sessions on a Saturday so you are guaranteed superb Tom Petty covers amongst the musical excellence. One night after a few Guinness’ I actually had the bottle to get up and sing “Long Black Veil” by Johnny Cash. The subsequent restraining order means I can’t go back in there until 2015. Choice of ales is limited but excellently kept and the home-made food is second to none. It’s a regular haunt of genuine music legend and gentleman Richard Hawley, who often holds court in the tiny “snug” next to the bar.
The Forum – Trendy bar and eatery. The décor outside hints at Antonio Gaudi but this isn’t the Ramblas, unless the Ramblas is an open piece of waste ground full of skateboarders and winos. Food is excellent though service can be slow as the staff enjoy posing, seeming to think they are working in Hollywood and will be picked up anytime soon. “Come on love, where’s me chips???” To cement its reputation as a trendy bar sometimes shows movies, mainly obscure World Cinema, usually in black and white with subtitles. You won’t see “Legally Blonde” here I’m afraid. They also host the occasional gig. Colin saw Vintage Trouble there recently and said they were awesome with their lead singer blasting it out whilst standing on the bar. Mind you if he’d have spilt Col’s pint he would have chinned him. Patrons are the trend setters of Sheffield so expect to see plenty of “Man Bags” and I don’t mean those you hold whilst taking a piss. Small selection of on tap real ales but mainly bottles. You can strike a shape clutching a bottle of “Laslo Piss” Polish Lager (20% ABV).
Walkabout Bar – Much like its slightly skuzzier chain “cousin” Weatherspoons, you know what you are getting in a Walkabout and this one is no exception. Converted from an old Church the building itself is impressive and very spacious it is too with an upper level containing church pews for seats and a massive organ (oooh eeer missus) overlooking the bar area. The whole thing is uncannily like the “House of Blues” in New Orleans but that’s another story. It has massive screens for sporting events and the usual range of beers, mainly of the generic lager variety. You know the “F” word, Bud and Red Stripe, all brewed in the same bucket methinks. Decent and cheap food to act as belly ballast whilst you spend a day watching the English crush the Aussies at cricket, whilst ribbing the Aussie bar staff. Don’t like it when we are on top do you “cobber”? Occasional “Battle of the Bands” events when,even if you are shit, if you have the most mates in the crowd, you win.
Sportsman – A spit and sawdust throwback of real character. It doesn’t have live music as such, but worth a mention as the owners of one of the best juke boxes in the Northern Hemisphere. They even have a “Rock DJ” on a Thursday. Yes he’s got a blonde mullet and yes he’s stuck in a 1970’s time loop but where else could you hear Atomic Rooster at bone crushing volume whilst supping a pint of “Cobblers Nuts” (8% ABV)? I was there last week with Funky Paul listening to a bit of Robin Trower and got so pissed I left my house keys in there. Cath said I was more concerned about the key ring they were on, a guitar pick holder I got from Manny’s Music Shop in New York, than the keys themselves. I’d rather be burgled than lose that pick holder to be honest. Anyway the bar staff found them under a chair (funny I didn’t notice them when I collapsed on the floor) and gave them back to me a couple of days later. Result.
Delaney’s - There have been many pubs on this site. Most recently the Dulo Bar, a monstrosity kitted out like a “club” complete with DJ Decks and mood lighting. Thankfully restored to a proper music bar owned by well known Sheffield Musician and mover and shaker Steve Delaney. As you would expect has quality bands on weekends with an open mike night on a Thursday – Viktor where are you?? We are hoping to get “Slow Moves” and “Forty Four Joules” to play there sometime soon once they have dried the beer out of their amps from the Yellow Arch gig. Recommended.
The Harley - Loud, disheveled “claggy mat” of a music bar with the atmosphere of a Roadhouse, though probably too rough for Patrick Swayze. I believe this is a Hotel too but who the hell would want to stay there I haven’t a clue. It has regular live music, usually from singer-song writing types or Arctic Monkey’s wannabes. Recent acts include Willy Mason and the mighty Josh T Pearson.
West Street Live - When it first opened it seemed a laudable attempt at an American Bar in Sheffield. Looking a bit road worn now but still worth a visit. Has Live bands most nights, mostly “tribute” acts but a good range of stuff on show. Busy on weekends but tends to be empty on a weekday. My mate Dave’s band played here and me and my pal Bry were the only one’s in the crowd. Dave said it’s not often you play and know the entire crowd personally. He even waited to start a number until I’d gone to the toilet. They then blasted out an accomplished and passionate set like they were playing the Royal Albert Hall. Now that’s Rock’n’Roll.
The Harlequin – Stags resident raconteur Ron Clayton’s old “office”. This is a traditional boozer, with regular live bands, covering a range of musical bases, though rock covers are predominant. Last time I was in, a band were playing 40’s swing stuff so convincingly I thought I’d get powdered egg in me sarnie. The blackout curtains were a bit over the top though. This is also a very highly regarded real ale pub with a liver busting selection. They host regular beer festivals too. I remember the Porcos lads in there when there was a quiz on. Me and the Stags were a little worse for wear having been on the “Old Scrotum” (5% ABV) so it was with no surprise, though a little embarrassment, that the Porcos got more questions right than we did. Still, we beat ‘em at darts.
The HOP – A new venue in the “Devonshire Quarter” of the City Centre. (Why they call it that I can’t fathom, this isn’t New Orleans and the “area” in question is about the size of a 5-a side pitch. A question of planners getting up their own arses methinks to ratchet up the prices of the flats round there. They must have been from Lancashire.) Anyway this is a big pub with an excellent and large selection of real ales looking to establish itself with a range of mainly Rock and Blues Tribute Bands. Early reports are promising. Will be checking out a Bruce Springsteen tribute band there soon. They also specialize in quality pies! Break out the Henderson’s and let’s boogie.
The Pheasant – Although situated on the outskirts of town this is still a legendary Sheffield Music pub. There can’t be many music fans who haven’t sat in the back room of the “Phez” on a Friday night listening to the Frank White Band. A large roadhouse style pub, it used to attract international acts in it’s heyday but seems to have gone into a decline much like the local football teams (sorry lads couldn’t resist). I remember seeing now sadly passed Blues Legend Luther Allison in there with his full band, horn section and everything. Still one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to. Some would say it’s a bit rough but aren’t all the best pubs?? I remember the Bier Keller in Middlesbrough in the seventies, when punk started. Gangs of bikers/rockers used to wait outside for the punks and if you couldn’t recite the Rolling Stones entire back catalogue, including single releases, you got your head kicked in. It was like bloody Altamont I can tell you. Keef would have approved though.
Hillsborough Barracks Tavern - A real traditional pub with a trouser soiling selection of real ales, international lagers and soft drinks for the ladies (and Mackems). They have regular live music, with top class local performers to the fore. They also have a couple of smaller offshoot rooms including a dart board in the front side bar and a rather pleasant seated backyard area. The food is homemade and excellent so this one’s pretty much got the lot and is highly recommended. Many’s the evening I’ve been regaled by the most excellent “Johnny and the Prison Didn’t Help Boys” (possibly the only folk/rock/country/blues band to feature the erhu) over a pint of “Tinker’s Jockstrap” (12% ABV). It’s also where the Owls fans congregate before and after the match. It’s usually recommended to go for the gallon before the match then fill up after with another few more. That helps to scrub from the memory banks the 90 minutes of “action” you have witnessed. I remember Boro getting hammered there one time (thank you Benni Carboni) but by the time I left the pub I thought we’d won. Result.
The Washington – Apparently the “Wash” is owned by one of the blokes out of Pulp. Despite that it’s an excellent mix of real local and select music venue, albeit a very small one, punching well above its weight. On a weekend the walled back garden area is very popular, as is the nearby Devonshire Green. That is, a popular place to divest yourself of the 12 pints of “5 Knuckle Shuffle” (10% ABV) and hot chili kebab you’ve taken on board during the evening, before staggering into the darkness, desperately trying to hail a taxi home.
The Cremorne – One from the other (red and white) side of town. Though a small bar, they do host regular live music having opened a small performance room across the backyard. Excellent position on London Road to sample International cuisine to go with the 10 pints of “Shepherd’s Rectum” (10% ABV) you’ve just supped. If you are around there on a Saturday watch out for the occasional clearance from the Lane landing on your head. Total Football my arse. They still carry the ball off on a stretcher at half time.
The Shakespeare – A long established Sheffield pub which has risen, Phoenix like, from closure to become a real ale hot spot. They are also committed to live music, carrying on the tradition of it’s previous incarnation. Has already boasted some classic gigs inc Justin Townes Earle, Steve’s son, who amongst the doobie smoke (man it was just like Woodstock) produced a memorable set shot through with Hank Williams inspired country heartache. Yea, and indeed, Haw.
Fat Cat - Spiritual Home of the Anglo Galician Cup and Real Ale Mecca, though it doesn’t do bingo. Not really a music pub (although who can forget Alfredo’s rousing rendition of that old favourite “Anglo Galician Cup nah nah nah nah nah, Anglo Galician cup nah nah nah nah nah nah”– classic) but they do occasionally have bands in the back yard so any excuse to give them a mention. There is a plaque on the wall to commemorate the AG Cup next to the one marking where Argie got his first round in. It saw the introduction of our very own “Anglo Galician Ale” (5% ABV) though the barrel didn’t last long once the beer monsters of the Porcos Bravos got going. Legend has it that some of its patrons were witness to a particularly gruesome robbery and on a dark winters night if you listen closely on the breath of wind you can hear soft voices whispering “4-2 to the Stags – we was robbed”. Not to be confused with the Gato Gordo, Pontevedra, owned by AG Cup legend and Tora,Tora,Tora frontman Sergio. I knew he liked a drink but buying a whole pub was a bit extreme. Can you get barred from your own boozer???
Those we have lost
The current economic climate (cold, with a definite chance of heavy rain (or Cleggy as we say in Sheffield)) has seen the closure of a number of pubs in the city including some excellent music venues. Just about everyone who has ever played music cut their teeth in the upstairs room at the Grapes. The music room was closed down when the owner of the nearby Dog & Partridge moved across and took the entire contents of that particular Irish Bar with them. It’s now shows Horse Racing from the Curragh and the walls are covered with pictures of the Kennedys, in my opinion the biggest bunch of crooks and liars since the Borgia’s. Still they were “Oirish” I suppose. Most serious was the closing of the Boardwalk (previously known as the Black Swan or Mucky Duck) in mysterious circumstances which to this day have still not been fully explained.
Everyone from the Clash to Ryan Adams to Robert Plant played there at one time or another and it’s passing leaves a massive hole in Sheffield’s music scene. Honorable mention to The Halcyon Bar who, after a gig by The Tipsy Kings on Colin’s 50th birthday, closed the following day, got a total re-fit, changed its name and re-opened as a restaurant with no live music. For Those About To Rock, We Salute You.
Boroman aka Neil Old
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